Interesting Insight into Cheap App Conundrum!

Discussion in 'iOS Apps' started by nizy, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Birdsoft

    Birdsoft Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    #21 Birdsoft, Dec 11, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
    This is basically the exact attitude that isnt quite correct thinking. The market is broken and isn't dictating correctly! Apple is dictating by their broken system that prices be driven down, so all that developers are asking for is the 'market' to be fixed. Its not some free market like was taught in economics but a very regulated market that drives sales trends based on very set rules, which are currently not good ones.

    So compound the fact that the popular lists work by count only with the fact that Apple also dictates who gets the most prime advertising there is anywhere, and they are reserving MOST of it for the big companies to be featured whether their games deserve it or not.. SO even if you have a good app, you wont necessarily make your money back...Their is just no place left to take marketing RISK that will prove a good reward. So a lot of the programs from the smaller guys that are making their money back are the ones that will game the system. Or that have a few days worth of development so have nothing to cover.

    But its great idea to be thrown around by for the short term they can keep the prices down. But it will make a mess out of and wreck the market... If they let the current 'market' decide...

    I see a big help would be if they had a better "popularity" algorithm in place not just counting total # of apps in a given day, but # of apps with price and how new it is factored in over a set number of days....and I do like the price tier lists idea....

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