I got word from my fiancé earlier that by their new rules they can use your photos for their own use. Now taken from ign they say your photos are your photos.
Probably an overeaction but I deleted my account anyway, I only downloaded it out of curiosity and never really used it so it's no big loss. Safe to say I won't miss it.
Well they are not gonna use my picture for stuff and me not see anything out of it I'm not "modeling" for Instagram
Check out their blog. Check it out: http://blog.instagram.com/ It's called "Thank you, we're listening." Because the updated terms of service caused such an uproar, they're clarifying and changing it to make everyone happy. Ps. Could you by chance like this photo to help me win a contest? http://blog.mimoco.com/vote-for-mimocult-vault-winners-via-mimobot/attachment/11/ Just click the like on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Pin it to Pinterest. I get a vote for each one even if you are the same person! PLUS, if you write a comment in the comment area, I get another vote.
i just heard about this from my father and brother. Actually i were quite happy with the new terms. INSTAGRAM: MAKE ME FAMOUS!