HAHAHA. So I stumbled upon this website - insertwordhere.com I think it will be the new humorous internet sensation, and I thought I'd give it some views through this website. Oh, you can also see it at StumbleUpon Have fun! lol
mos random website The 60x1.com website Another one: http://www.superbad.com/ http://www.brokenself.com/ http://www.hotdoom.com/ http://www.misternicehands.com/ http://www.misternicehands.com/ http://www.biglongnow.com/ http://www.flamingcursor.com/ http://www.freedomfromfearandworry.com/ http://www.closedshut.com/
Good websites everyone! Maybe we should make a poll where people can vote for their favorite website out of these random sites