i didn't buy the game, and this is the first time I posted here. All I was talking about is how the dialogue and story for those KRPG games ( korean RPG ) are meant for little kids. What good is a game if you have to read non-intellegent dialogue and deal with a dumb storyline the whole time? another thing, games should be games, I'm tired of everything being over complicated, maybe it has to do with me getting older, but I really am tired of playing games that make you micromanage 80% of the time and actually game 20% of the time.
Nope - I am not another KRPG-Hater... I love RPG's more than any other genre, from Gothic over Balders Gate to Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Zelda to Fallout and back to Dungeon Master. Problem was, I was called for dinner, so I couldn't write 'til now. First of all, the voices are bad. They're somehow squeaky and don't fit the mood - same as the music and sounds sometimes do. They weren't chosen wisely. But this is not even the mayor flaw. The story of this game may be o.k. to a degree (but nothing I haven't seen before) - it is the gameplay what bores me most. Not only that you have to do all the same things over and over again, mostly they doesn't fit into the story itself. It's not the amount of quest that counts - a game with 50 challenging and changing quests can make much more fun that a game that contents 200 quests, designed poorly. I just don't feel drawn into that game. It don't touched me, as games like THE QUEST (especially the "Hero of Lukomoyre"-Saga) or Zenonia (even if it is not turn-based) did. Graphics aren't everything. The Spirit of the game is. Inotia 2 is simply too sterile in some ways. The storyline isn't motivating. Sold for 1.99$ or maybe 2.99$ would be o.k., but it is never worth 7.99$. The more I play, the more I am getting bored. So this game got only two stars from me. But tastes are different, anyway.
Have to say -- you called ut. @SpaceJunk: No suit needed -- the K stands for Korean. Korean RPG's tend to look similar to the Japanese RPGs, but they usually feature real time combat instead of being turn-based (like most Final Fantasy games). I'm sure Aurora can detail more differences between J an K RPGs. Dungeon Hunter is very linear; KRPGs like Inotia 2 have stories at their core, but they're much more open ended. And much longer: you can plow through DH in 5 or 6 hours, while according to the dev, Inotia 2 has about 40 hours of gameplay.
oh man, why is the first member who joins the group a warrior.... 2 warriors , 0 healer = naaaaargh :/
The few of you with negative criticisms downloaded Inotia 1 on accident?(or have admitted to not even playing the game...)
Bla bla bla, it's impossible to please everybody and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I hate GTA yes that whole pointless series of games that got 10/10 best selling American game there is... So what? Doesn't mean it's a bad game. That being said if u like diablo pointless hack and slash whose joy lies in whacking thousands of monsters and collecting random ever stronger loot to decorate your avatar with, you will love this game. My suggestion for improvement would be to expand the leaderboard with more charts, and show more than the top 5 only.
I'm just going to go back and enjoy the best app store game because I don't understand any of you! (minus a few )
Signed, h1976. And o.k., I have to confess: if you expect a diablo-hack-slasher with loads of stuff and micro management, then this game is for you and when you see it in this way, it is good. But don't expect a real RPG. It is a grinder. That is disappointing me. So - I like it most when a game has its lite-version out. Everybody can freely try and choose wether to play or not.
No offense, but what world do you live in? I beta tested and have the final copy of the game, and I've gone through the entire thing without having to grind whatsoever. And to those people about the price, I apologize. Com2uS told me that they won't put a price drop, but they never told me what they intended the starting price to be. My bad.
Oh, I thought you were talking about everybody having to grind in general. If you just do all the quests, you won't have to grind.
+1. If Com2US releases a lite that would be awesome. $8 is still pretty hefty. (People seem to like comparing prices to other things, so I'll put it this way. $8 is half of what I bought Tales of Vesperia for on Amazon during Black Friday).
This game does look like it might be fun but there is one thing that worries me I stoped playing the first part becouse it was a grindfest is this game still a grindfest or not?
Ok... This question may be pretty stupid, but I've never been able to figure out the correct pronunciation of Inotia. Would someone please spell it phoneticly for me?