iPad Inotia: A Wanderer of Luone

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by kugi_igi, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. Archangel1594

    Archangel1594 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Just a question, what's the best place to level up easily from 30-40 without having to wait every few minutes to heal, doing the demon mob mop-up operation and collecting 200 bones gives a total of 46000 exp and 6000-7000 gold, and it only took about an hour, I'm still pretty new to this so I'm not to sure whether or not that really good so I'd like some input if anybody still checks this.
  2. vibliribland

    vibliribland Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    Question to all the dedicated inotia 2 players.

    I love inotia 2, it's the best action rpg in the AppStore, without doubt.

    What game have in your opinion filled the void after you completed inotia 2?
    I've tried a lot of games and none really comes close to inotia :( .

    What is your suggestions?
  3. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    Try Inotia 3 lol. ZENONIA 2/3 are good KRPG substitutes, as are Wild Frontier and DESTINIA. If you prefer something more Westernized, try Dungeon Hunter 2 or Aurum Blade (Diablo look-alike). If online RPGs are your thing, Order & Chaos is about the best that you can get on the App Store.
  4. vibliribland

    vibliribland Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    Thanks for the suggestions!

    But I got them all

    1: inotia 3 was a huge let down, extremely easy, no challenge at all, very linear, repetitive quests.
    2: zenonia 2 was ok, however bad meny system, to cluttery.
    3: zenonia 3, the character is to small, just as cluttery as Z2, a bit flimsy controls.
    4: wild frontier was way to flimsy, character to small, same problem as Z and all gamevil games where all npcs stand and bounce if you know what I mean.
    5: dungeon hunter is probably the biggest let down in history, could have been awesome but is just linear, extremely easy and the loot drop in heaps, I got 4 epics before leaving the tutorial area.
    5: Aurum blade I'm still playing, so far above decent, it got a lot of great components, and nails them, but is missing others which is keeping it from really great.
    6: order and chaos is ok, but as all mmorpgs its so slow, run for 5 min, kill 5 mobs, run back the way you came for 5 min then repeat.
    It's a great achievement in gaming history tough, it's amazing what they've created, and that it runs on cellphone.

    Again, thanks for the suggestions, I tried all those before, in that order pretty much.

    Any one else got some hidden gems?
  5. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    Hmm, the elements that you dislike about each game together basically sums up the App Store RPG scene in general. There just isn't a game on the App Store that matches the depth of quality, game play, and storyline that you're after right now. Aralon delivers on the quality and game play, but for me the story was lacking. If you enjoy text-based RPGs, then I highly recommend King of Dragon Pass. It delivers the amount of content, depth, and surprises that a hardcore gamer should love, but the fact that the images are basically static doesn't appeal to everyone.
  6. Gunlock

    Gunlock Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    One of my favorite krpg's is Itarus. Here are my game impressions http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=61970&page=16.
  7. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Houston/Austin, TX
    Really? I thought Itarus and Chronicle of ZIC were two of the worst KRPGs I've ever played. SK Telecom brought us Crimson Gem Saga, which was awesome, but they flopped everywhere else really. Those 2 KRPGs were honestly worse than the SEED series for me.

    @vibliribland: Have you tried Fantastic Knight or Exitium?
  8. Gunlock

    Gunlock Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010

    Yes, I actually had more fun with Itarus than I did with Inotia 2 (haven't played Chronicle of ZIC though). The overall slow pace of Inotia 2, almost no personality of the main character, ridiculously rare good/rare drops, boring quests / story - all of that made me delete this game somewhere around 20-30 level as far as I can remember (although my save file is uploaded to their server, maybe someday I will try the game again).
    Loved Crimson Gem Saga though, one of the best games I've ever played on my iPhone, despite the clunky menus.

    So hey, different players, different tastes :)
  9. Archangel1594

    Archangel1594 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I know it's not for iDevices, but personally, I think the best games ever are golden sun 1 and 2.....
  10. vibliribland

    vibliribland Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    I'll look into zic and itarus, thanks for the suggestion.

    Yeah I tried both fantastic knight and Exitium, sad Trudy really suffer from the "hyper speed syndrome", everyone is jumping in place and the character flies across the screen in 2 sec.
    It's a little better on the iPad for some reason.

    Love the suggestion on game book style games, I'm currently playing through the siege of the necromancer after finally finishing the assassin one.
    I'll look into king of dragon pass as soon as I'm done with all 5 books.

    Aralon I've already finished, great game for an idevice, but not much more, I personally feel that inotia is good not only for an idevice, but as a game in totalt.
    Maybe not the characters and dialogue but all game play elements are much better then a lot of console games I've payed almost 100 times more for, seriously 100 times more :).

    Love this forum, everyone is so helpful and polite, refreshing change from gamefaqs ;).

    I guess I'll play through inotia 2 once more in my wait for zenonia 3 which seams to be different from the previous three in terms of less a noting graphics.

    Thanks for all the suggestions.
  11. Goose

    Goose Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    quoted for truth. I nearly bought a 3ds because I know that Golden Sun 3 is coming.
  12. benuc184

    benuc184 Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    1. Of course, what is your party?

    2. I'm at the part where you FIRST get a new party member. It says Thief Seal and I don't want a thief. Is it possible for me to change that? (Without paying?)

    3. When do you get a 3rd party member?

    4. Do monsters drop Warrior Seals? If so, what monsters?
  13. Aurorah4119

    Aurorah4119 New Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    on inotia 2 eternity I'm trying to combing my ingredients to make the dark writing implements but it keeps saying combination failed what do I do?
  14. User58394

    User58394 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Where do I get recipes? Are there any good places to get them?
  15. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Houston/Austin, TX
    Resynced this earlier today. Just dropped three hours into the game instead of sleeping. This will be my third time attempting to beat the game. Deleted it twice already after spending over 15 hours each time with the game since I kept getting stuck at a boss. Got this late 2009 when it first came out along with just about every KRPG since then, but this one's definitely still the most (only?) challenging one. Hopefully this playthrough goes well. Chose to be a ranger this time. Already level 16 after one sitting.
  16. vibliribland

    vibliribland Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    Do you mean completing as killing all the named monsters at aprox lvl 100?

    I too looked at this game again a few days ago, deleted it twice, Im inte the last area of the named monsters quest and got bored.

    I think I might pick it up again.

    I agree with you, it is the best Action RPG in the app store, hands down.
    A really really great game.

    Good luck this third time ;)
  17. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    10-15 hours in, and now I'm at the same spot again. Tried beating Epsilon three times, and got him down to 1/4-1/3 hp at most. Currently level 31 with a ranger, knight, and magician. Looks like I'm going to have to do some side quests and grind it out, blah. None of the enemies/bosses before this have been even remotely challenging. Haven't had any members of the party die prior to this. Don't understand why this guy is so hard, lol.
  18. vibliribland

    vibliribland Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    hehe, well, a bit of grinding is necessary.
    However, you should want to grind a bit in order to get some good loot to deck your team out in.

    Just wait until you get to the second part of the named monster quests.
    Damn that's hard.
    Constant micromanageing and a lot of potions and well planned characters :)

    But it's rewarding when you succeed :)
  19. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    #2219 backtothis, Jan 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
    After getting a few new equips and leveling up my guys to 37, the two general were extremely easy. They kept attacking my mage's virtually invincible summon, and my knight stunned them continuously with his skill. Ranger's crazy DPS was a great help too. Can anyone give me a gauge of how much of the game I have left though? Hoping to finish this in the next two days. Thanks.

    Edit: Just looked it up. Holy crap this a long game.

    Oh just kidding, for the main storyline, I'm just about there. There are a shitload of upper level side quests though, wow.

    But yeah, what a list: http://bestappsthisweek.com/iphone-game-apps-hints/inotia-2-hints-and-cheats-warrior-seals-chaos-items/inotia-2-quests-hints-description-and-walkthru/..surprisingly, I've actually done every single side quest up to where I am on the game according to this list. That's pretty cool.

    I still can't believe how ahead of its time Inotia 2 was for a late 2009 release. Really, even now, no KRPG compares to the content/challenge offered in it.
  20. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Beat the two generals easily in the final fight with them. Beelzeb is a whole different story though. So close to the end, yet so far. Ugh, I think I might to spend more time grinding/questing to finish these first two fights. I think I'm 25 hours in now.

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