I think the recipie involves gold, about 3000 I think? Try looking at your recipie again to make sure you have the right ingredients.
My recipe says 2 Magic Branches, 2 Pieces of Strength, and Worn Item. I have no idea what's going on with it :/
Problem fixeddd...nvm So if I buy the Elite seal, that means that I can only use that character in match up mode? or is it playable in the solo game as well?
Both. All you have to do is retrieve it from the inn in match up mode after you buy it. The innkeeper there is the only one who can activate the seals.
Huh? K, I'm new here. I am NOT going to check like 200 pages for an answer, so I'm going to ask here. I've played through the game once already, and decided to replay the game some months later. However this time, I'm at the point of the story where I have the quest to make the Chaos Item. Last I remembered, by that time, I already had tons of recipes, including the one to make the Chaos Item and Superior Flower. But this time, I have only 4 recipes and I think the Alchemy Master gave me 2 of them. Did I forget how to get recipes because I don't think this is normal.
Combination recipies are all either random drops off monsters or sometimes the wandering merchant has some. It's all random and if you only have 4 recipies either you have been extremely unlucky or you have a low luck stat.
Well that's horribly unlucky :/ Try farming the recipes in caves, I find more drops occur for me there. Can someone explain to me what a "Lucky Blessing" is from a fountain? I Googled it and all I got was something called "Fountain Blessing" which raises stats impeccably. Is this the same thing? And I sometimes get a status pop-up that says "*Gulp*" when I drink from a fountain. What is that?
"Lucky Blessing" allegedly boosts your Luck stat, but as far as I know no one has figured out by how much or how long it lasts. "Gulp" means you crapped out, no effects from the fountain.
Special Gifts for your Com2uS RPG Games!! * Please note that the Caligo Chaser giveaway has to be delayed for about a week. We will announce the exact date of the giveaway next week. We are very sorry for the confusion
seit ich vom iphone 3g aufs iphone 4 gewechselt bin, und alle daten samt spiel neu rauf machen musste,kann ich mein lvl 110 charakter nich mehr importieren via data backup(load from server) !!! was soll der scheiss sind alle daten gelöscht??? es kommt imemr die meldung "there was a failure when loading the servers saved data list... i switched from iphone 3g to iphone 4 and i cant import my data backup(load from server)!!!! error message: there was a failure when loading the servers saved data list??? wtf???? -_-
Wow, I wasn't paying attention and I missed this entirely. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a promotion like this again, I'll just need to be paying closer attention.
i switched from iphone 3g to iphone 4 and i cant import my data backup(load from server)!!!! error message: there was a failure when loading the servers saved data list??? wtf???? -_-
i switched from iphone 3g to iphone 4 and i cant import my data backup(load from server)!!!! error message: there was a failure when loading the servers saved data list??? wtf???? -_- no answer? _-
I tried the game out a while back but got stuck early on and haven't gone back to it since. Maybe someone can answer this for me though: if you discard the first mercenary you're offered, is there any way to get another warrior seal? I think the innkeeper gave me the first one, and I've wandered around and tried to get another one via enemy drop, but haven't been able to find one. Do I have to start my game over from the beginning because I wasn't supposed to discard the first mercenary?
so far i found two seals (and i am level 32 now ) so i think you must be lucky to find one via an enemy drop
So you have to use the mercenary that you get offered the first time? Lame. And now I have to start over from the beginning? Double plus lame.