Thank you for the feedbacks. Most of quest and item guides are already available. Please simply search for them in our forum. The relative monster level can be referred by the color of the monster's name. Monster Levels White - Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red - Purple <- Weaker_________ My Level _________Stronger ->
Can you tell me what exactly was changed with the poison arrow? I had lvl 6 poison arrow before the update and lvl 7 after; I honestly don't see a difference. Clarification would be nice
The poison arrow in Inotia 2 is a little different from that of other RPGs. In Inotia 2, the poison arrow increases the damage of normal attacks, and stuns enemies for a short period of time
finding capt. turujeu he is in the dwarf town of toria, he should be standing around the table areas when you enter from the south entrance as far as getting duroenen you must complete all quests before being able to get to dueronen, i would suggest going around getting as many quests as possible before setting out as it mostly all of them will happen in the toria mine, this way you can avoid the overly annoying journey back and forth. i have a question though about the colors of the names of monsters why are the different colors? is it because of difficulties? i noticed red ones are nearly impossible without having to heal like crazy running away to restore mp and using like 5 or 6 ressurection scrolls just to fight off one
finding sage garnel one more thing ive noticed is people have problems finding "Sage" sage garnel is located on the map location called Sage's Dwelling just east of the reds wood forest in the upper right hand part of your map, be carefull of ogres there, there is one of them ive found is a really really hard oponent and will kill you very quickly
generals silverslons demon mop up operation once you've gotten to the point where you can do the duerorens demon mop up operation i suggest starting it before you head into a place like the tunnel under aren to look for the tunnel map, you can rack up alot of bones looking for that darn thing, 100 bones is an easy accumulation and its a 1500 gold along with all the other junk they drop, if any one can tell me anymore information about the tunnel map other then an orc assault has it and its in the underground tunnel id sure appreciate it and oh if you find a superior flower id like to know where im looking for one also
New version out! - Minor bug fix Here again. Sharing 10 Inotia 2 promo codes (US accounts only). Have fun AF7K9NXTMPAE MP73FJJYWJFY JM33YL9TW6WF 7LMWXRPEFWRH 366PKXYNA7XK 7T6TMKXMTMYW 6ERR9EKP6XTF 76Y6RRXM6EYW XLEYK6TJFL36 YPFK9KRHYL6P * Please leave a post once you take a code. Saves a lot of time for other people
Yes! After missing the last codes and almost getting it while it was on sale, this time I nabbed JM33YL9TW6WF! Sweet!
Is there any way to teleport from town to town..:\. After 40 hours, I haven't found one no right? Even if there is a DLC for such an item/way, please help heh.
My understanding is it was supposed to be included in an update, but not sure if a past or future one. If it was in a past one, I haven't found it. So maybe a future one... I sure hope so, cuz I'm tired of running around through multiple areas trying to find where to go to complete quests because the quest logs don't contain enough info. I hate to say it, but while this game is much better than Inotia 1, it's still lacking. In fact, I have yet to be really pleased with any Com2uS game.
uhm there is a way: after progressing to a certain point of the story, before the end, there is some magic stone thing that you unlock appearing in each town, which act somewhat like portals, allowing to move from town to town
Really? How far along do you have to get? I think I'm around level 30 - just finished the quests for Aren.