Forest Maze how do i go to forest maze? i've been going around a lot of items, very frustrating.. please help and also, i went to the troll relic, but then the entrance/exit in Troll Relic 6 is closed.. is this normal? how do i get it to open? how long is "a very long time?" 20 hours? 50 hours? 100? Sorry, I'm just trying to decide if I should get this, Across Age, or just wait for Zenonia 2...
I would actually say longer then that even, I can't remember how long it took me to first beat the game but I believe longer. And complete game at max level will take a long long time.
Anyone else find ranger class kinda easy? Pretty odd for them to run on infinite arrows. That and high crit makes them really strong lol. Is there any skills or stuff to increase their range though? It's kinda hard to aim using dpad controls.
Ranger Screenshots Ranger is talking Ranger party playing 1 Ranger party playing 2 Select Ranger Bombing
Maybe a litte expensive...... ________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW OF ACTION DIAMOND
I'm having a blast with the ranger class. He is easy to use if you can avoid getting hit. I'm sure it will present more of a challenge later on in-game. I like moving around picking off enemies. Great class to use. "Skill Training" increases range once maxed.
Hey, I recently got Inotia 2 and have been gaming hard Unfortunately I got stuck at the part when Linea gets me out of prison. I'm a 21 Ranger with a level 20 Templar and 20 Knight. I have to kill the Prison Guard Leader but I have no potions or anything. Could anyone help me out? My MSN is [email protected]
Just get yourself to wifi. Then you can buy potions in match up mode andthen the boss shouldn't be bad. Good luck!
I'm having trouble finding the Magic Crystal the Alchemist is asking for, the Old Memo for the Witch Hunt Quest, and Commander Kim. Help would be awesome now!
I was closer to level 30 at that point in the game. Put a priest in your party and you shouldn't have much trouble at all.
Ahh com2us help! I still haven't gotten the update! I live in China right now but I have a US itunes account. My friend (has chinese app store account) has already gotten the update yesterday. Am I just being impatient or is something wrong with my app store? Btw I have 2 gen ipod non-jailbroken, inotia is version 1.0.3. Help please, rly wanna try ranger class!
Wow, that's a lot of game! One more question--is DLC necessary to get the full experience with this game? Or can you play through it and totally enjoy it without DLC?
I have just bought the game, the Ranger finaly get me to do it I will take my time to finish it and hope does not come a price droop recently
I'm still having trouble finding Magic Crystals. I haven't gotten even one and I'm a level 51 Knight. Hints? Help? Anyone?
If I saved my data to the online server and uninstall Inotia 2, when I re install the game can I retrieve the data? I'm assuming it works via the UDID.
I'm stuck Hi guys, hope you can help me: I'm in Toria and finally managed getting this blue dwarf artefact out of the mines (that was hard...) But I can't find the "dwarf village headman" to give him the blood sample etc. I talked to every single person in the village, but had no success. Where is this guy?