Dude.... Just get it. As one of the few people here who likes playing games on his iPhone, unlike everyone else who is disappointed in every new game for almost no reason, encourage you to get this. I use to love getting RPGs like this for my GBA, and this is better than some $30 GBA RPGs I've bought in the past. I bought it for the original $10, and I still don't regret it. Just buy it.
The game is so polished and fluid..prople who loved zenonina will definitly 100% love this...coz the game play is soo similar .. U will feel u play a polished zenonia what zenonia has a little better? The drama and story was more strong in zenonia..zenonia had some drama in form of sacrifing father ,the relation of sister..u know a story and a drama and also zenonia had option to play good or evil here u only good..and u enter directly into story and war without much drama and humor..ofcourse thats not a big deal what inotia has better? Everything else.. It has more option like online play..although i found everytime people to play aganist and very tough..but i dont know whats the use of idea ..i would have prefered multiplayer together aganist quests..but i dont get why i play aganist someone and keep pressing spells..but its a new thing good to try and see tough peole there. Ofcourse 5 instead of 3 charcters of zenonia all having same shape but different names! I like diversty here... I found that this game tge strengh , power ,inteelegence r automaticaly upgraded..was so complex in zenonia ..and people had guides building the steght power in zenonia here its auto matic... Otherwise the game is superbe superbe supetbe..very nice grapgics ,,quests,game play..u will feel asif playing zenonia 2..similar quests easier controls..entertainig... Inshort i dont likeby the way tbs as swords of forgoal, rouge,wesnoth,ect but anyone who loved zenonia will sure like it becuase it has all basic similarites but everything done far much better and great diversity.ilike to control 3diff characters each has his own skills and xontrol the 3 in same battle...very new addition i love
Amazing I love toucharcade...registered and NEVER POST - but i'm going to post right now to tell all the skeptics to grab this game! I got it for 9.99 before the price drop but I don't care b/c it is so fun. I have to admit the first CoI game sucked, but I still beat it just b/c it was one of the original rpgs...this game is FAR FAR SUPERIOR, great graphics, skill tree, items - and the fact that the graphics change when you equip different gear is pretty sweet. There is a non-ending online mode as well as 40 ish hours of MAIN QUEST game play - meaning there is much side-game content. If you like rpgs at all this game is a MUST. BUY BUY BUY-
Been playing for about an hour or so, it's a really nice RPG so far. Controls aren't perfect, but better than Zenonia, really better. Not DS/PSP quality from what I've played, but for 7.99 nobody should complain or expect that type of quality I think. Will have to play it more to see if my opinion changes, but I don't regret my purchase so far and that's as high as my hopes go for the iPhone as far as RPG's are considered.
i wanna ask u something? What is endless game mode online?? Coz i couldnt beat the first online player ever i faced coz he always so upgraded his characters? What happen after u win a person?? Is thier quests or what?? Coz i found we battle in a diiferent arena than we play the normal game...seems another worlD or what?
Well, I gave my early impressions (which are very good), and Aurora said it was actually better than Zenonia. I can't think of a better recommendation than that .
yeah I'm pretty sure it's just a deathmatch arena online vs. other players...I don't think there is an endless gameplay mode killing monsters and doing quests...but for the hardcore ppl it will motivate them to keep lvling up and getting better gear to be the best online...def. not gonna be me
Just bought this and Cobra Command on a whim. I have WAY TOO MANY games that I haven't even tried on my iPhone now. The backlog is honestly pretty shameful.
Just made a Templar character and killled some wolves as my first job. Was promptly killed by the wolf boss, haha. Very polished and the touch controls work well. I can see that I will be playing with this one over my winter vacation, along with Wesnoth and Song Summoner as my main RPG fixes. When I need to get frustrated, I'll play Rogue Touch with maybe a little Fargoal as chaser.
anyone knows how to use the mail system? the npc said it is easy, go and try it. but I never been able to open the mail box
Alright, after a full day of playing, I can say that this is a solid game. MUCH better than the first in every way. While it's an RPG, there's some amount of grinding, but it's not to the same level as many other games out there (on any platform) and it feels well balanced. I hate grinding levels and I haven't been put off by what is necessary yet. The controls are't absolutely perfect, but they are better than any I've used in this genre so far. I'm sticking with touch personally, but the D-Pad wasn't bad either. The story so far is decent, and while it's a bit cheese, it's par for the course in this genre. Overall, it's a game that hits things just right to keep me playing, even if stuff like the dialog could be improved. Though it is superior to the first in every way. I'd recommend this game assuming you're into the genre. It is VERY long.
I couldn't stand it so I bought this game, the price might be a bit high but so far its worth every penny. This game is quite polish as well as massive, so many things to do and I haven't even tried to get online. So far I'm a thief, and have no idea what skills to learn... But yea if you are hesitant about this game don't be its a great RPG.