Universal Injustice: Gods Among Us (by Warner Bros)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Wow Static is pretty cool.
  2. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Yeah, I just unlocked him the other day. He's definitely a powerful card to have. Between him and Scorpion, they make an incrediblely dynamic duo. :D Plus, thanks to double experience points, I've already got him up to level 24! :)
  3. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Same here lol.
  4. Newmanja

    Newmanja New Member

    Apr 6, 2015
    Next Challenge

    Hey guys, does anyone know anything about the next challenge and who I will need? I want to be prepared (Already unlocked static level 21).
  5. fracturedorb

    fracturedorb Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    New player

    So I linked this game up to my console (PC) game when it came out last year and didn't much touch the ipad game and now I come back and there's a bunch of things unlocked but I have questions. I have a gold superman (prison) and a gold batman (not sure). I'm using them to level up the rest of my team (I somehow have like 25 energy refreshers). Should I save my coins to get more gold characters or buy any boosts? Also when I try to do multiplayer it just matches me up against peopel with Level 45 heroes, what am I supposed to do against that? I usually just quit.
  6. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    You definitely want a good base of gold characters because they are obviously the best in the game. You really only need the silver and bronze cards to complete certain challenges (usually to unlock a new gold character - i.e. the current Static challenge). If you have excess coins, and some time, I'd definitely try to complete the Static challenge before it's over (even if you have to pay to complete some fights) because he's a bad ass card.

    As for fighting online, unfortunately hackers ruined that experience for everyone. There's an abundance of über gold cards that people hacked to INSANE levels, so there's no way to even compete with them. The only way I fight online now is by using an all bronze team, and I usually just fight one battle at a time. That way I can choose to pick the fight or not because sometimes they still try to pair you up against overpowered cards. This allows me to still be in the 30 or 40 percentile when the online challenges reset, which still nets some decent gold and gear. :)
  7. fracturedorb

    fracturedorb Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Spent some gold

    Got a 75k gold pack after playing all day and pulled a Red Son Superman... SO I got batman, Prison supes and Res supes. I guess I can stick with this load out for a bit. I tried doing the static challenge, there's no way. I finished the flash one easy because of the golds I have but I don't see myself beating the silvers or bronze only ones, or the ones that are high level golds (as mine are like L18 right now).... I'll keep checking it out till it's gone but I'm thinking this one will be a pass for me and I'll be in a better place next time for whatever else comes along.
  8. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Sounds like a good plan. :) I only recently finished two challenges. I got MKX Scorpion and the Static right after him. Both cards are REAL powerhouses.

    Speaking of MK, have you tried it yet? It's a little buggy right now, but I'm really enjoying it (especially if you already like Injustice). :)
  9. fracturedorb

    fracturedorb Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    I think I like Injustice more in some ways but MKX more in others... Injustice having this perpetual sound bug that (from what I read) has persisted for months now is kind of a bummer but there's just so much more to do. Plus I own the Injustice fighting game and don't own the other so all the unlocks have helped. Also not a fan of MKX using garbage characters on the Bronze tir.
  10. fracturedorb

    fracturedorb Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    So are the console unlocks ever coming back? I just hit Level 100 in the PC game and, well, nothing.
  11. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    I've unlocked and E7 most all characters in Injustice and having tried the other two, although there are elements I like better, they are WAY more grindy and cash grabby than this one. This one is probably a little too fair and those are not fair enough.
  12. fracturedorb

    fracturedorb Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Is there a website out there that tells you what unlocks when? Like after how many days you get what cards and what cards unlock after which stages?
  13. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York
    Double credits on injustice has been active since yesterday. Grind while you can. :)
  14. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    What's the best battle for grinding credits?
  15. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Well this game pretty much ran its course with me but man it lasted 2 years! Plus they did a challenge they already did before so that kind of sucks.
  16. kalel39

    kalel39 Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2009
    After 2 years I still play and enjoy this game every day. Now its kind of an obsession to get the characters and their gear up to max! Thanks to the double credits I just bought my first Batman Arkham Origins pack.
  17. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York
    #3237 Eoghann, Apr 26, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
    If you have a tough team, I recommend Bonus Battle 6. About 20K on a regular day. Double that today.

    I've got a level 7 Arkham Batman and pair him up with anyone else and he takes care of everything. I stock up on energy though. Use it only during double credit time. I've found him to be the easiest and fastest, You just gotta find the sweet spot between your combo and right before they attack to land a headbutt square on them.
  18. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Cool, thanks! Yeah, that IS a pretty tough battle. I've got a level 36 MKX Scorpion and a level 31 Static. They can usually solo most of my tough fights. :D Looks like I'll have to go back to that one and grind some!
  19. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Well, that was surprisingly easy. :D

    Attached Files:

  20. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York

    Hang on. I meant fusion level, not XP level, sorry. Any character lower than at least fusion V will have a very hard time there. Although level V is cutting it really close, it's not impossible. But you'd need the whole team to be level V at least. Bonus Battle 6 has fusion V enemies with XP level 40. So at the bare minimum you want your team to match that.

    My Batman is XP level 50 and fusion level VII.

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