i like the idea but only hope it is an add-on and devs still release free updates, so games are still updated, but there is also addons available from in app purchases. it will however be kinda tricky for developers to decide what content comes free in upgrades or if it will be available through in app purchase at a (hopefully) reasonable price ps one more thing, what does "IMO" mean, ive never been able yo figure it out
I like the concept but obviously will not support dev's who abuse such things. Also since a free app can't sell DLC to trick you they will always be free or lite copies and i'm glad about that.
It depends in my opinion. If the game has Level Packs or add-ons then I might take the money to buy it but if it's just accessories or clothing, then I don't think I will cause I believe that's just a waste of money and should've been included in the game in the first place.
I am still unclear with one thing with in app purchase. I am actually pro this if we get new original content in games, but only if the billing is all handled through apple/itunes. I want to keep all my app needs dealt with itunes cards without effing with a CC for it. Anyone know what the actually plan is will we need to pay devs out seperatly from itunes?
Just FYI, every single developer we met with during WWDC is going to be using DLC to some extent. It may be the only way to financially stay afloat in the 99 cent market. Rage against DLC all you want, but the race to the bottom of the pricing structure, due to developers attempting to meet the demands of the customer base (and the Touch Arcade forums) is what caused all of this.