I think there are lots of plausible reasons aside from shilling. BUT I think he probably should have opened with one, instead of just posting something completely random that looks like a copy/paste off someone's blog.
Do you jerks have a proof that he got paid or gotten a promo code? No, I didn't think so. Either ignore him or STFU.
And how much did qasim pay you to write that?? Just kidding. But chill out. This guy being a shill is just as likely as a random lengthy post about Tetris showing up today.
The aforementioned statement was a complete joke and not meant to be taken seriously by anyone whatsoever. Basically, just making fun of the fact that someone's reviewing Tetris when it came out quite a while ago. Not that the review was bad or anything, it was just odd. But hey, reviewing is what these forums are for.
LOL, I took that as sarcasm but that was nice of you to post a link anyway I think this Tetris is def high quality, lots of modes, good graphics, but it just doesn't do it for me like it used to I guess. I barely ever play this, and it's not even currently on my iPod. But maybe this random page long review that dropped out of the sky is trying to tell me to give it another go.
Guys can you fricken listen.. Is it illegal to write a detailed review of an old app? Tell me is it goddamn fricken illegal? No right, no right!! So shut the hell up and stop being fags.. I wrote this reivew to help people help make decisions, not for fags to annoy the crap out of me.. I have already helped people because of this thread.. So shut up! I don't need your non sense.. And thanks people for backing me up.. I appreciate it.
I don't see a reason to lock it, but ts extremely strange! First, you have this LONG review of one of the oldest, most popular games in the App Store, dropped randomly out of the blue with NO explanation. Then, you have this entirely unreasonably belligerent response, like we're the weird ones for being a little "wtf?" about a clearly strange occurrence. But still no real explanation other than "to help people decide". Oooooook.
I was having a really bad day earlier, it was finals week and the first final went horrible. until first I found this thread, it made me laugh. then I had a bad second final, and someone crapped in the urinal at school, which again made me laugh hard, real hard. it makes me wonder how it was placed there, did someone squat over it, or was it transported there? either way, it was funny. then I had a bad third final, and now I get this continuation of this thread, I'm so glad this thread and feces have kept my day interesting.
A lot of people sure seem to enjoy going way out of their way just to be mean to others. If you don't like a thread... Don't post to it. By posting to a thread that makes you angry all you're doing is keeping it alive longer. Instead of angry posting... just go play some Tetris and when you're done the thread will be all but forgotten
I'm not angry, I'm CONFUSED. Anyway, maybe this kind gentleman will review Super Monkey Ball next. It seems there is some renewed interest out there at the moment.
okay.. what is confusing about writing reviews?? no one on ipodtouchfans or EA mobile forums flipped out because they saw a Tetris review!! Yeah.. and I'm the weird one!! Retards D: