Don't know what to say about the China market (I hope they don't flood you with support requests!) but one good thing about the App Store is that game never has its "last chance" at success.* It could take off and get popular in week one, week 52, or in 3 years (if maintained through OS updates). Word of mouth is hard to predict! (* This is NOT true for games with a server side, sadly. The costs are ongoing in that case. Thus, I'd be happy to see ads in a paid game if they only appear on the server-related area: such as the matchmaking screen for multiplayer. Play offline? Premium. Play online? I want the servers to keep the lights on, and non-obtrusive, non pop-up ads could be just fine. Not sure if it's enough to help, and I've never seen it done--it's just a thought.)
This is just disgusting. I paid for the game on day one. It's an amazing game. I have a question. If you can see all the devices that have it installed why can't you block the ones with the pirated installs? I think Apple should pay the developers when a app gets pirated. Maybe they will make a better and more secure system? Billy
I wish, but I'm sure Apple has language that absolves them of this very liability. Not to mention this is not merely an Apple problem, it happens on all platforms. The problem is piracy is a high reward low risk proposition. Someone with pirated software is more likely to be penalized in some way than the person who pirated and then distributed the software. They are rarely prosecuted and the cases where there is an arrest and a conviction is secured are so rare they may as well be legal unicorns.
Looks like the game is now featured on App Store's Best New Games (at least here in Finland). Congrats!
And car companies should pay the customer if their car gets stolen? They should make the cars more secure? The theives are to blame, making other parties responsible is partly what is so much wrong with the US liability system. Apples responsibility is to make a reasonably secure system, not a flawless system - there is no such thing. Everyone wants to blame the person/company/ etc. with the deep pockets. Its appealing, but ultimately terribly flawed - everyone loses.
Yes, it's been featured in a lot of European stores (the key ones at least). People in Apple listen and give back when a circumstance needs it and they can. The stores are key European markets so it should offer a good enough boost and open the door to a feature in a couple of certain categories in the US and Asia/Pacific going forward. It wouldn't guarantee a future spot in those markets but it'd be well higher up for consideration at least whichever it transpired would give it an even more substantial boost in the future. Hopefully it turns out that way.