Ho my God an iOS dev who cares- thank you, thank you for this update. No regrets for purchasing this game full price
I'm not a pro by any means but just thought I'd give my 2 cents. I also prefer Crimson over Avalon partly for those reasons you gave but the most important to me is her dash compared to Avalon. Avalon's dash seems to barely move him at all so when I'm trying to dodge an attack instead of getting hit straight in the face I'll get hit maybe two inches to the side of my face. Crimsons dash not only seems to travel father (especially when you use it 2 times in a row) but I feel like I have way more control over her movements during the dash so it's easier to avoid multiple attacks. I find her specials to be more useful to my play style as well as it seems like she has quite a few that can deal a good deal of damage from a distance. Avalon has his strengths as well (his combos seem to hit faster so I can move in attack and get out but his weak dodge/dash make it hard to constantly use that method and his attacks are substantially weaker). So yea, Crimson is my baybay and I don't have to put up with the constant lame jokes like when I'm playing with Avalon.
Wow that was a quick fix and though I didn't need it for my device I'm happy they did it. They were getting bad reviews they didn't deserve because of that bug so I hope it'll go back up to 5 stars now.
No doubt. I've been in communication with Rayark since the game breaking update. They've been ultra professional about the whole thing keeping me updated numerous times in the interim. I've emailed them a thank you on behalf of us all.
Recently got a controller. Re-downloaded this today and wow, talk about a console experience. Well done
yeap, they also messaged me today to tell me they fixed it. Team Rayark is awesome https://www.facebook.com/rayark.implosion/posts/524857211022384?__mref=message
Rayark Inc. is awesome!! "Never Lose Hope"...I completely understand now. I will never lose hope in this developer! Rayark Inc., you are a valiant and true developer, and we all love you for taking good care of us!
I love that I bought this game. Are there any missable Arks like those badge rewards? I accidentaly sold my lvl. 3 cerberus algorithm. Good thing I had cloud enabled. I just chose the first choices in the badge rewards for consistency, lol.
Guys, I would just like to ask what's the current file size of this game? ,ime is currently 2.4GB. Is this normal?
Not sure if anyone still checks this thread but with the new update I thought maybe and what I just recently found may be just as interesting to others as it was to me. So part of the reason I love implosion aside from the awesome gameplay, graphics, and everything else is the lore of the Xada and the main characters. This is also the reason I was so happy for the new mission in the update but I still wanted more ya know. So I was so excited to find in the small windows you see after selecting a mission where you can select the mission and/or check the extra specs for completing missions for badges there's also a small cube on the left of the window. Clicking that shows text of messages characters in game sent to one another when the Xada first came to earth and all through their invasion. There's 5 messages for each window and there's a cube for every mission in every stage. So yeah if you are looking to get more into the lore of Implosion as I am I suggest you take a look. And on a side note sorry if this is all like common knowledge to most people but I had no idea about it till I accidentally clicked the cube and have still not seen anything about them when looking online. Hope you enjoy the game and lore as much as I do and happy gaming!