Universal Implosion - Never Lose Hope (by Rayark Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Based Xatu, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Ugh the GC fix that was working for me before stopped working. It's like the bug is alive and evolves each time you find a temporary fix. :/
  2. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    haha, yeap! the same solution wont work anymore. I managed to get half an hour's playtime myself :) But Rayark's tech team is aware of this and hopefully they'll remove it!
  3. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Sometimes yo must do it a couple of times. It started getting spotty on me as well. For the last reboot, I've been completely powering down then fire back up with more success. Give it a go. Even though it's become less compliant, I've not yet been unable to get it going. Hope this helps.
  4. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Implosion won't start now for me, too. Has worked fine the last days.
    When i go to Gamecenter via settings, the settings app freezes.

    Other games tell me, that i'm not logged in to GC.
  5. Mine is finally working again after about 15 reboots. Getting so tired of this GC crap. :(
  6. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    I called the support hotline and what fixed it for me was powering down the device and start it again.
    Sounds simple but worked. No logging in, out or anything else involved.
  7. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    This works only the first couple of times getting stuck. After that it evelves, like Appunwrapper put it, to multiple reboots, power on off, wifi on off, airplane mode etc...
    Even backup to pc and restore from factory settings is not a permanent solution it seems.

  8. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    #1108 H4nd0fg0d, Feb 27, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
    Yep, tried that just yesterday and hasn't failed me yet. Good call, AG.

    Edit, sadly the only thing that works for me is the log out, log in multi reboot procedure. Sucky ass Apple
  9. yearoftherat

    yearoftherat Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Newbie question..

    So I've played up to Mission C1-7 and got my ass kicked. I noticed that if I quit the game and play it a later time, I do not start off where I left off (C1-7) but start again at the beginning.
    What am I doing wrong?

  10. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Not sure. In settings, is iCloud enabled? If not enable it.
  11. yearoftherat

    yearoftherat Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    I checked and it is. Every time it starts me at chapter 1-1 but if I look at my stats, it shows me as being level 7 even though the last thing I played was Chapter 2-1.
  12. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    #1112 L.Lawliet, Feb 28, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    Beat the new mode! The ending was great and touching - you can really see quality from these devs. The room design and subtle new features show how good they are at what they do. I'm so happy I bought this at full price and I would be glad to buy any new games they make.

    Btw the laser puzzles are the WORST part in the game. I think it's the only thing I hate! However I do like how it adds simple puzzle mechanics to the game. The new story mode is actually an improved version of the original story mode designs.

    Lastly, I'm glad you don't need all the medals to get the bonus items, some are near impossible. I still am a ways off from getting the last reward but at least it's attainable. Does anyone know where the secret room in level 1 is by chance??? I've replayed it 5 times and found nothing hugging on all the walls.

    In my opinion this game should've been game of the year on TA and the USA Appstore. At least it made game of the year in some other Appstore countries.
  13. #1113 AppUnwrapper, Feb 28, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    The secret room is just going through one of the cave entrances and out the back to where all those canisters are that you couldn't otherwise reach. I think I showed it in the video I made.

    Edit: Yep, around the 4:40 mark is where I enter it.
  14. FatalCookies

    FatalCookies Member

    Apr 12, 2015

    Now I need the alternate ver. ones ...
    Gosh Jonathan have a lot of skills
  15. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Thanks! That really helped. I wonder why I never checked that cave. I always checked the earlier ones but I guess I "gave up" once I saw this cave. Now I need to figure out why I can never get the "destroy all canisters" badge. I thought I hit everything :\

    Btw, I'm way too good at Jonathan in survival mode. I actually had to kill myself because I was playing for 40+ minutes and not dying. Got to area 4 and it just seems like I found the perfect skills.
  16. senkoujin

    senkoujin Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013

    I'm a bit curious, while fighting the spider boss(es), did any of you dance to the music? I found my gyrating with my iPad to the dubsteppy beat, lol. The music is absolutely perfect for a battle of this aggressive caliber! xD
  17. Nyetek

    Nyetek Member

    Aug 18, 2012

    Being super pedantic, I make an effort to collect all the badges before moving on to the next level. This was an uphill slog for the first couple of hours, but then things just clicked and now I have all of the badges save three up to level 4-8, which is where I'm currently up to. Those three are killing me though; I wonder if any pros can advise how to beat these so I don't have to cheat by resorting to easy mode.

    1) No knockdown on chapter 2 boss - this is bloody hard
    2) No shield damage on Guga or whatever his name is - the first boss on chapter 4.
    3) All containers busted on level 4-7 (the one with three praetors, or 5 if u go in the secret room). I've painfully busted each container I can find, going on all the little branching paths in this Godforsaken level, and still no dice. What am I missing?

    Incidentally which mech do ppl like better? For me Crimson is head and shoulders above Avalon, given her ability to chain heavy attacks. Avalon is not without his advantages, including that his sole heavy chain seems to have more interrupting power than any of Crimson's combos, but for me one can't go past the fact that Crimson does near one and a half times as much damage as Avalon due to her above mentioned ability.
  18. Linebarrel86

    Linebarrel86 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Cog in the corporate machine.
    In my skin...
    Avalon is my favorite. He was the mech that got me through the game. I ride or die for Avalon!
  19. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    don't know if anyone notice it but there is two new outfits as well in the badge rewards for avalon and crimson
  20. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    I don't know but these new missions, are really hard. :(

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