There something Wrong,IPhone 6s iOS 9.1,iPhone 6 plus iOS 9.1 no problem at all.maybe try disinstalling/Reinstall?
I'm having the same issue. The opening scene just loops and the "loading" circle just keeps going. I installed/reinstalled and did a hard-reset. Any other suggestions?
In You're Device Setting,You Have Battery Power(that should be the name translated in English)or Battery Saver"On"or"Off"? If "on" turn it off.Hope it Help as this work for others Games with Same Issue.Let Me Know if Help. I Always Run the Game from Gamecenter,In both Devices,As game needs A GAMECENTER Login for the ICLOUD save,try That Too.
I tried, but it didn't help. Actually, none of their games are working on my iPad. I contacted the dev(s), so hopefully they'll respond. Thanks for your help....
The game has been crashing on my iPad Air 2 for quite some time now. Whatever, I got it for free through IGN , but it is a good lesson to never spend decent money for an iOS game (along with other examples like bioshock iOS) .
Sure, sure . I got outlast for 5 euros and zombi for 10 from psn (ps4versions) in a sale , games that have 100 times the production values of any iOS game but i should spend 10 and 15 euros on games that won't load cause "it is my fault" , and many other peoples' fault apparently (not to mention the bioshock debacle) .
You're comparing apples and oranges; Those games were on sale/those games are on a console/mobile games have always been condensed, because they are "mobile"/there are others with your device who are not having that issue. Apples and oranges.
Didn't get reward Achievements Hay, i already finish the stage, and i already fullfill the condition of the stage, after i finished the stage, i didn't get reward, is it a bug or what? need help
I'm giving this game another chance, and I'm just trying to figure out how you can have more than 1 RA ability at a time?
Thanks, was trying to understand why switching them out only gave me 1 skill each. Guess I'll keep playing then.
I totally agree- and how is this your fault? I have always looked at iOS games just like console game ( except you can't personalize your machine's perfomance) YOU HAVE TO GET THE NEWEST DEVICE- they say. WHY DOING SO WHEN MONSTER HUNTER IS NOT WORKING ON IT.