Universal Implosion - Never Lose Hope (by Rayark Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Based Xatu, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Your English seems fine! And even if it was in a completely different language, you'll still enjoy it. The gameplay is fabulous
  2. ruggedland

    ruggedland Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Glad you can confirm it. I have 3 Infinite shooters unlocked now and none can be used for getting badges. Heck your score doesn't even register to GC leaderboard. I think infinite shooters are meant as a practice tool only.
  3. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Phew..finally unlock crimson. The revives allowed in game is generous, good for lousy players like me.
  4. Blowzun

    Blowzun Active Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    you can still use them to farm arks in expert mode. i think thats at leeeast something :p
  5. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Okay everyone I THINK I have solved the mystery!
    Shield is how much damage your shield takes from damage, or how much damage your shield can absorb before breaking.
    Armor is how much damage you receive (not can receive) from attacks without your shield.
    Endurance is the equivalent of health ie. How much damage you can receive before dying.

    I'm only guessing here, but it's a pretty educated guess that seems very reasonable to me.
    In the end they're all related to survival/defence so it shouldn't matter too much, anyway.

    'Extra restorative' has me clueless though. Could it be related to how much health you receive from medkits?
  6. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I believe extra restorative is medkits. It's the only thing that makes sense and I do notice I heal different amounts at times.

    Nice find on the other things! Were you testing them out with different equipment? Must have took a while :p
  7. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Instead of ballistic focus, Im focusing avalon for melee while crimson for ranged and wide aoe, hence for avalon its ark upgrades is heavily focus towards power and critical hit %

    Are there like rare item drops in this game? Or items that cant be bought and need grind/ to pick up only during game
  8. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Here here, yes, apples and oranges. No comparison period. Full tilt absurdity. Lol
  9. Geertyy

    Geertyy Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2013
    No one might care, but I just beat the first boss :D
    Feeling so mighty right now :D
    This is why we still play iOS games, it's a fantastic experience!
  10. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    Yeah,Thanks for The English heads up,Downloading Now 
  11. Press2Play

    Press2Play Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Need help beating Goldie any tips?
  12. SwipeNova

    SwipeNova Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2015
    Congrats :)
  13. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Yeah, sure, lots of testing.
    It took a very long time.
    I tested some much.
    Very test.
    Much time taken.

    Weeeell truth be told I didn't actually test anything, but by looking at the big picture it became reasonably easy to work out the roles of the different stats. By looking at endurance alone it is hard to know what it's for, but by thinking about the definitions of the three words it makes it clearer ie armor= physical = not the shield, shield= shield, endurance -> 'how long you can last' = surviving = health
    Well that's my take on it anyhow...
  14. layx

    layx Member

    Apr 13, 2015
  15. senkoujin

    senkoujin Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    #635 senkoujin, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
    An "Implosive" Experience!

    Hello Rayark Inc., I've just recently finished the game! I would like to share with you and everyone else here my experience and honest opinion about this game!

    I want to first say that the presentation of this game is phenomenal! The futuristic interfaces are slick and beautiful, and the game runs at a constant 60 FPS! The opening movie is epic, and I'm very happy that I can access it anytime! :D

    Graphics are excellent (although not 100% Retina Display-ready, but that's understandable since the development of this game started some years ago, and believe me, I've been waiting for this since the first announcement), and after the recent ULTRA-FAST (awesome!!) update, the graphics on iPads with Retina Display improved substantially! The hand-drawn art of the game is also very beautiful, and the animations flow very smoothly! All characters, enemies, and environments are very detailed, and I can see that alot of work was put into their creation. The special effect graphics are highly detailed (even the swing of Avalon's blade) and up-to-scale with the high quality of console games like the PS3; I really like this experience on my iOS device! Overall, I feel that the graphics and design of Implosion are superior.

    The sound and music of Implosion are also very well done, and it really matches with the atmosphere of the levels! The voice acting is pretty good, and the subtle use of humor makes this game feel more "alive", not to mention, the story is always engaging...I didn't want to stop playing even after 2 hours nonstop (and I still want to play, but I'm typing up this review right now, haha). I want to also mention that the sound effects in this game are awesome! I just love picking up a new ranged weapon and listening to the charge/syncing sound, and also when performing certain attacks that have such cool futuristic sound effects; I love it!! :D

    The virtual controls on this game are something I'd like to describe as "magical"...the control scheme is perfection. I have absolutely NO (ZERO) (零)problem with the controls because it's already the best setup for playing on my iPad, I'm sure it's perfect on iPhone as well. I'd like to say that this iOS game has "AAA controls", haha!

    Now let's talk about gameplay. Implosion is sooooo fun (Implosion遊戲非常好玩啦!!), and it has the Badge reward system which makes the replay value high (and everybody loves games with high replay value). Playing through the various levels is very fun and engaging...I even have the desire to replay levels that I've already conquered even with all badges of that level earned beforehand. The enemies are all unique and attack you in different ways, so you must learn the best method to fight them....and they are tough! I like the challenge! :D

    I would like to add that the mapping of this game is also well-done, so there's no proximity issues when it comes to attacks connecting. The boss battles are TRULY boss battles, and they are all epic! I also like how each boss has an intro cut-in with their name and some information before fighting them, which gives it a special arcade style feeling, haha! I have not seen any other iOS game do it this well. Dodging works flawlessly, and overall combat is very fluid...even when facing the really strong enemies; you just gotta having good timing in both attacking and dodging. This is also a good aspect of the challenge offered in this game! Finally, the revive chances are generous and helpful; the best part is that it's completely optional, which takes care of different players' needs. Thank you! :)

    *Another thing, thank you for the many different languages support! :)

    Also special thanks for making this game fully playable OFFLINE, so we can play anywhere anytime without needing to inconveniently connect to the internet just to play the single player campaign. This also keeps our batteries alive longer. :)

    Things that could improve:
    -Maybe sometime in future endeavors, put more focus on the iPad (Retina Display) build.
    -A few spelling errors still linger...I remember seeing "Production Manarger" in the ending credits.
    -Provide more specific details about ARK items and attributes
    -A bit more balancing on the game's currency and store:
    **Many store items are very cheap, and I find myself earning almost too much currency in levels...perhaps you can increase store item prices or decrease the amount of currency earned in levels to balance things.
    -Inventory Screen: Since there are many identical dropped ARKs, it would be nice if there was some type of sorting system for multiple identical items because my inventory gets big really fast, which makes it less convenient when trying to put together a nice ARK equipment combination because my inventory is not very orderly. Maybe you can sort by ARK level, type, attributes, etc.
    -There is one bug that I noticed....when trying to get a timed badge (clear the level in X seconds), after the mission, the result screen's special checkbox shows what I believe to be my actual completion time of the level instead of the required completion time for the badge (and of course, if I was too slow, I wouldn't earn the badge, but the box would still be checked)....so just fix the special timing checkbox for missions that offer a special timed badge.

    OK, wow that's all! I really love this AAA game and it will remain on my iOS device for eternity. :)

    For $9.99, I am a VERY VERY VERY satisfied customer, and I expect even more good things in the future from Rayark Inc.! 我很開心另外非常感謝,非常謝謝您Rayark Inc.!
  16. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I just beat Goldie with Crimson on my first attempt, I don't know what kind of hints you're looking for.
    Just stay away from that hand and when that container with green toxic waste fall from the sky, just destroy it sooner than Goldie replenish her health
    , there's nothing more to it I guess. As I said, I did it on first attempt (even on hard difficulty by accident), I died twice so I did use revives and that's it. Took me quite some time, that's true, but I'm sue any next attempt will be faster and smoother. Just keep trying, good luck.
    Btw, on the other hand, I almost gave up on the game on defensive stage in Chapter 3, I just hate how difficult those are, some enemies always manage to steak around me and through that defensive line, took me quite some attempts to even pass that stage and I'm pretty sure those badges are impossible to get (for me). Just saying, everyone is different.
  17. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Hmm somehow i find crimson slow in getting heavies attack. And seems she doesnt have shield disintegration skill, which i like.

    Really hate it when two or more praetors comes after me, on c4-7, using crimson, died and used up all revives lol. Maybe going try avalon instead. I guess crimson good for those levels where u need speed.
  18. kipbuis

    kipbuis Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2013
    Hi I'm guessing there's 34 levels. How much time it takes to complete one level? Thanks!
  19. It varies, but they usually take a few minutes each. If you're wondering how long the game takes to complete, I think I've invested about 15 hours into it already and am still on the 3rd chapter (but been working on getting badges along the way). I guess more skilled players would probably finish it faster. But it's not a quick game.

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