What was already a near perfect game has also been optimized for iPhone X! Expansion bought, although I haven’t even wrapped my brain around the original content yet. I hope all his stuff gets this update. The difference is truly dramatic.
OYG, MB killed it!!! These new cards are crazy!! =D I'm so freak'n psyched!! On another note... My favorite game of all time just got an expansion... So I'm going to be disappeared from the forums for a few months... Just... FYI... =P THIS FREAK'N ROCKS!!!
Charged attacks continue to do damage by arcing to monsters adjacent to the first one you hit. It appears to choose a random path of theres more than one adjacent monster. Im not sure what happens with loops.
I also sent a tip about it a while back too, so I doubt it just went under the radar. Hopefully it will get mentioned at some point, a lot of people are probably missing out simply because theyre unaware of its existence.
Yeah, he said in his blog that "only people who already know about my games are buying them". Shelved PC port because of low sales numbers. TA post about this game it's brilliant! The 2 new characters offer new challenges. The new weapons are fantastic. Charge adds a great tactical layer "hm I could run there and use the charge" .. "I could charge this tile to match parity, then move there to kill the enemy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tklEYeV4jPY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmBUaibweq4
Just come back to this game after a long break. The high score tables dont seem to be accessible. All I can see is my own score. I thought we were able to see the leader table and copy over their tile layouts. Can anyone else confirm if they are having the same issue? Thanks
The high score tables are working for me. I did notice that I needed to choose my own layout for the two new characters and play one game before the high score leaderboards were accessible. Then I could copy the leaders' tile layouts. So maybe try your own layout at least once for the new (or all) characters and see if that fixes things.
So, this has happened to me about 15-20 times since the last update. When I leave the app in the middle of a game (even if it’s just pressing the home button to check an email or leaving the app up, but turning the screen off), for whatever reason, coming back to the app later seems to restart it, losing all progress of the game I was just playing. Anyone else having this issue? I don’t think I’ve ever noticed this problem before this most recent content update.
K... sorry about my last post (I don't know why, but I can not figure out how to post from my phone - there's no text box appearing - maybe has to do with iOS 9? No idea... - but I wasn't able to get onto my laptop until today - anyway...) I haven't had this issue with games not saving my last move on my iPhone 6S (iOS 9.3) - maybe it's OS or device specific?
Oddly enough, I haven’t had the problem since I posted about it. Lol. Anyway, it’s not just missing my last move... it’s missing the entire game in progress. Was quite frustrating to be on move 200+ of an Izu board and lose the whole thing if I exited the app. When returning, it was like starting the app up fresh, with no game in progress. But like I said, it hasn’t happened since I posted about it. Hope I’m not jinxing myself.
Sure, sounds fun, as long as we can get luminaries as Vivafringe involved (who's frequently on Discord).
I don't really know what I'm missing here, yet. Love HELIX and MB's games seem to be good, well received. I'll definitely have to check this one, too!
Ooohhh. You’re missing arguably his best game. Although I’ve seen people argue that all his games are his best games. Imbroglio is my favorite. I play it almost daily.
Here's a link for a Discord Server... Pretty basic setup, but might be easier to communicate about Michael Brough games. Pass it along to anyone remotely active with 868-HACK, Imbroglio, or Cinco Paus... maybe we can get some traction going there. https://discord.gg/5ujmDaJ EDIT: Uhm. I just learned that Viva already has a Discord setup for Brough Games. Sorry about that.
Finally bought this after picking up P1 Select, both good - but this one is ASTONISHINGLY GREAT! I have been playing it almost nonstop, and when I’m not playing it, I’m thinking about playing it. Truly great design and implementation.