If you could have only 5 games on your device

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by uaq, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. apphame

    apphame Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    Hong Kong
    Tiny Wings
    Doodle Jump
    Angry Birds

    quite big games.
  2. Jane55

    Jane55 Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2010
    Flight Control
    -Pretty good endess game
    Tiger Woods Golf
    - Relax online
    Lucky Coins
    - make me busy oprating
    - exciting
    We Rule
    - give me a sense of achievement
  3. Atischery

    Atischery Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
    Angry Birds
    Real Racing 2
    Infinity Blade
    Mission Europa

    The last two are must-have for me.:)
  4. Drakeer Melkhor

    Drakeer Melkhor Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    Dungeon Hunter 2
    Real Racing 2
    Starfront: Collision
    Bug Heroes
    Mission Europa CE
  5. js1210

    js1210 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    1. Ascendancy
    An immersive space strategy game, could play it for hours, only problem is that it might get a little easy after a while, itd still be pree fun though

    2. Dungeon Raid
    A casual puzzle-rpg that has pretty much endless replay value thanks to its newest update, which adds a whole new layer of fun.

    3. GTA: Chinatown Wars
    Sure its campaign mode does eventually end(though ive yet to reach it after 30+ hours of gameplay, but its still fun to drive around, screwing things up and dealing substances.

    Endless gameplay really, this dungeon crawler could pretty much never ends

    5.Pix N'Love Rush
    A great mix of platforming and arcade. Good when i need some platforming action, but unlike a normal platformer, the entertaiment wont run out after ive beaten a set number of levels
  6. icepulse

    icepulse Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    1. Neuroshima Hex - sheer innovation makes this one endlessly playable.
    2. Marble Mixer - music, visuals, control... This one is a masterpiece.
    3. Wild West Pinball - what can I say? If you love pinball, it's clear.
    4. Ascendancy - If you love 4x games, it's the only game in town.
    5. 100 Rogues - my favorite roguelike ever. Constantly updating.

    Honorable mention to a "lost in obscurity" title, "Backwords".
    It's an ad-supported freebie, but you should check it out. Party game wherein player 1 is given a topic, and thinks of an object / person in that area. Then, he says it into the mic, and it's played backwards for player 2. Player 2 then must try to speak back what they've heard, in hopes that they can be precise enough to recognize the original word, when their mimicked gibberish is played in reverse (forwards?).

    Just try it.
  7. Juicebox_R

    Juicebox_R Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    1. Jet Car Stunts: Insanely addictive, gotta gold medal every level!
    2. Galaxy on Fire 2: Really deep and fun sci-fi space shooter game.
    3. LASW: In my opinion the best RTS game on the idevices now. Love the large scale battles and it reminds me of Supreme Commander.
    4. Mission Europa: Incredible deep, many hours of extremely fun gameplay, it's just an amazing game!
    5. Wild Frontier: The best KRPG on the app store, has really fun gameplay, art style, and depth.
  8. firefly

    firefly Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
    It's hard to choose... If I have to I think I would keep:
    Fruit Ninja;
    Monster Dash;
    Bubble Bust;
  9. tunawrap

    tunawrap Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
    The Quest (and all of it's expansions :D): This is truly my favorite iOS game. Trust me, I have played all kinds of games. Galaxy on Fire 2, Aralon, etc. etc. While these are all amazing and fun games, I have been constantly playing The Quest since I got it almost two years ago. While it doesn't appeal to everyone, I am absolutely in love with it.
    Mission Europa: Good God, buy it now.
    Pocket Frogs: What can I say, I like the colorful frogs :p
    Forget-Me-Not: Gotta have some retro goodness.
    Grand Theft Auto: ChinaTown Wars: I love free-roam games.
  10. uaq

    uaq Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    I've really enjoyed reading this replies, I want to thank you all for contributing.

    I'm not yet sure what would make my list...
    I think I would have one endless high-score chasing arcade game. Which I'm leaning toward Tilt to Live. I've already spent hours on it and I haven't even touched the other game modes yet. I think it is quite deep for an arcade game and has a lot more replay value than some of the others. So Fruit Ninja and flight control are being dropped for this.

    I would have one Tower Defense game, as it is my favorite genre. I'm leaning toward GeoDefense. Had the for over two years and I still haven't beaten it.

    I would have one puzzle style game Not sure what I'll take here.

    Osmosis would be on there somewhere.

    And the last niche to fill would be the more relaxing one. Maybe something that isn't quite a game... like Line Rider.
  11. Leegames

    Leegames Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Ex. game journalist and EiC now PR
    So I am correct in understanding that this isnt a top 5, and that there is wifi where we go. If so then:

    1: N.O.V.A. 2 - for the multiplayer and whenever I miss a FPS
    2: GTA China Town Wars - Finally I will have a chance to finish some of this
    3: Galaxy on Fire 2 - great game - lots to do
    4: Sentinel 3 - love TD games and this one is my favourite
    5: Real Racing 2 - amazing graphics and always a time to try and beat

    If any app will do I would probably take Garage Band
    If we are two people - Neuroshima Hex
  12. lomaelli

    lomaelli Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Fruit Ninja
    Mission Europa
    Real Racing 2
    Reckless Racing
    Infinity Blade
  13. wansmily

    wansmily Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    My list will be:
    The creeps
    Burn the rope
    Fruit Ninja
  14. Simon Potticary

    Simon Potticary Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    East London
    #54 Simon Potticary, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
    Here goes:

    Dungeon Defenders: DD:FW is a great mix of quality hack & slash with a decent dose of strategic gameplay. With just five games to last an eternity, I need to pack in as much variety as possible and DD:FW fits the bill rather nicely

    Rage HD: Carmacks iOS flagship may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I love a good FPS. Yeah, yeah it's on-rails (yawn), but for me at least, it provides more shoot 'em up goodness than you can shake a very large stick at, and this makes Rage a nailed on inclusion

    Snowboard Hero: Fishlab's latest and greatest may have barely been on the UK App Store 12 hours, but I'm hooked already. As I stated earlier, I need to cover as many bases as possible here and SH ticks my Sports and Racing boxes, offering up lashings of adrenaline pupping extreme thrills and spills in the process. Grab your coat Snowboard Hero, you've pulled

    Real Racing 2: While Snowboard Hero gives me the arcade racing I'm looking for, it doesn't provide the SIM fix I'm looking for. Enter RR2. With no internet, multiplayer is off the menu, but Firemints iOS masterpiece still offers an unrivalled single-player career mode. Plus the very healthy selection of tracks and cars adds to an endlessly replayable racer

    Mission Europa It's been said countless times before, but when all is said and done, no other iOS game offers such an expansive openworld gaming experience. It was a toss-up between this and Aralon: Sword and Shadow, but ME gets the nod by a whisker. And as I've already mentioned - I do love a good FPS

    So that's me done. Should I pack my swimming trunks?
  15. steviebwoy

    steviebwoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    e-Systems Analyst
    Cornwall, UK
    League of Evil
    Great Little War Game
    X2 Football 2010/11
    King Strike
  16. Red1

    Red1 Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Nov 26, 2010
    I just read through all the replies and discovered that no-one lists five games that I really like. I might like one or two from a set, but not all five. Crex's list is probably the one I'd choose if I had to pick one persons.

    I thought someone would list 5 games I like. Maybe I have funny taste!
  17. cauliflower36

    cauliflower36 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2011
  18. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Woo, love these types of threads... =oP

    #1 - Mushihimesama Bug Panic

    This... is my FAVORITE iOS game. Especially since they added multiplayer. I've spent at least 75+ hours with it. It's a dual stick game with timed exploration, and the bullet hell craziness you can expect from Cave. The controls, graphics, everything about this game is great. But what really gets me is how much fun I have while I'm playing. Everything else in the world seems to melt into the background when my eyes are glued to my little iPod screen... and then before I know it, it's 3 hours later, my battery's dead, and my thumbs hurt. If you don't have this yet, I HIGHLY recommend it.

    #2 - ESPGaluda II

    What's really left to say? For me, this is the best shooter I've ever had the pleasure of playing. The scoring system is extremely complex, the bullet patterns are insane on hard difficulty... and I've played it every day since I bought it.

    #3 - Miss Claire Garden

    Easily my favorite platformer on the iDevice. I've beaten the game 4 times now, and each time it takes me about 25-30 hours (it takes me this long because I collect EVERY feather in the game...). It's a Mario 2 style side-scroller with excellent level design. The developer did everything, coding, storyline, music, FX... and earned a crap load of respect from me.

    #4 - Street Fighter IV

    I'm not really a big fighting game lover, but Street Fighter has always hit a spot with me. This is one of those games that I've had for a while now, and still play at least every couple of days. There's also plenty of re-playability, which... if I only had 5 games for my device, is a big deal.

    #5 - Bombardier's Guild

    A strategic defense game, where you shoot missiles, one at a time, at your enemy on the other side of the screen. There's planets with gravity that you use to slingshot your missile around and gain speed and power. There's something like 500 stages, and plenty of in-game achievements to try and get. This was one of the very first games I bought for my first iPod, and almost 2 years later, it's ended up on all 3 iPods I've had. It looks beautiful with Retina display, and there's not one other strategy application that remotely comes close to being as entertaining as this one... at least in my mind. =oP

    It's interesting reading what the rest of you think about the applications you've chosen, I'm surprised there's quite a few games that don't have much replay value throughout the lists... I'm actually pretty surprised that a game with a set number of levels ended up in my list. Anyway... keep em commin!!! There's a few games on here that, apparently, I need to check out! =o)
  19. starmonkey101

    starmonkey101 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    FLA, USA
    Tilt to Live
    Tiny Wings
    Battle blasters
  20. Duke Floss

    Duke Floss Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Writer - Producer - Engineer
    English Roundabout
    The Quest
    Secret of Mana
    GTA: China Town Wars

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