If you could have only 5 games on your device

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by uaq, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    #201 Jerutix, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
    Happy Ash Wednesday/Beginning of Lent everyone!

    Regardless of your participation in a religious observance, it has become my tradition for the last couple years to stop buying or downloading new games during Lent, in an effort to focus on spiritual practice, prayer, and reading. Alongside that, I've enjoyed playing this hypothetical 5 games on your iDevice. So, I'm resurrecting the thread (appropriate for Lent, lol)!

    Reminder of the rules:
    In the past, we've assumed that there will be no internet, so games that require internet are probably a no-go. Also, just because, let's assume you have a solar charger and a Lifeproof case. Here's my final list from last year.

    My updated, 2016 list is as follows:

    Solebon Solitaire - perennial favorite; 50+ variations of Solitaire with a fantastic interface

    Zen Pinball - I have every table installed, and becoming a Pinball Wizard is a life goal

    Tomb of the Mask - controversial pick, since it's new, but here's a story. I restored my phone to try to get Game Center working again (and it is... for now), but because TotM wasn't out yet, I couldn't reinstall it. After less than a day, I messaged the dev to ask for another code. I was feeling some serious withdrawal. Thankfully, they sent me one, and I felt much better. :eek:

    Dungelot: Shattered Lands - Turn based, which would be nice opposite Zen Pinball and TotM.

    Super Tribes - Quick Civilization. I've still never moved off easy mode.

    2/20 Edit: Removed Crashlands because I lost interest after I took a week off playing. I just don't play long games anymore.

    3/11 Edit: Removed True Skate because reasons. Solidified Dungelot. Added My Little Town

    4/11 Edit: Removed My Little Town because you should never add a game you just got. Added Super Tribes - gets better the more I play.
  2. OrangutanKungfu

    OrangutanKungfu Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    So, just the five games then, until the end of time?

    Crashlands has been so enjoyable, and I know I will finish it at some point in the near future... But I can always ramp up the difficulty... Yeah, go on.

    Final Fantasy IX. I've always wanted to play it, but never got around to it as I was already in the PS2 era and shops in the UK had stopped stocking it. I was always going to have at least one proper RPG, though.

    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. If this was the only game I played, I might even become halfway decent. Great game, great depth, and the kind of game that rewards long periods of devoted play with no other distractions.

    Football Manager Touch. The amount of hours I've lost to this series over the past couple of decades is disturbing. I have deliberately avoided getting it on iOS because I want to have other things in my life. However, if I can have no other games...

    Alto's Adventure. I thought about Downwell or Wayward Souls, but sometimes you need a change of pace from the RPGs and heavy combat, and they don't get any more zen-like than this. There are occasions when you just need to zone out and do some backflips...
  3. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    #203 Exact-Psience, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    Running with the same criteria... My updated list:

    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - The best game that graced the appstore, that unfortunately doesnt work on iOS9+
    Polara - Still one of the best purely skill-based (no upgrade system or IAP revives and such) side scrolling runners, and has one of the most ingenious level designs ever made... Ever.
    Wave Wave - Got back to this after a while since it was changed (never liked the change that time), and now i feel like i never gave that change a chance, coz im really loving it again.
    VVVVVV - Still remains one of the absolute best platformers ever created IMO. The level designs are just pure genius, and pure evil.
    Hearthstone - Some days i would totally skip playing this game, but everytime that happens, i always get back to it.
    Knights Of The Old Republic - I was going in between KOTOR, IB3 or Implosion, but some things never change. KOTOR is one of my favorite games of alltime, so it still does get a spot here.
  4. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    So you'd be okay with only the one player stuff? No multiplayer. (Does Hearthstone even work without Internet?)
  5. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    #205 Exact-Psience, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    Oops... Seems i forgot about that part. Yeah Hearthstone is online-only, even if it has significant singleplayer content. Thanks for pointing that out. Switching it out with something else.

    EDIT: and by something else i mean going back to almost the same list as before. LOL
  6. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    Crashlands - probably the best game I've played on iOS

    XCOM - have to have a TBS game

    Geometry Wars 3 - need a dual stick shooter and this is the cream of the crop

    Heroes and Castles - need a Foursaken game and this is the one that got me hooked

    Kingdom Rush: Frontiers - one of my favorite TD games
  7. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Dungeon Raid
    Sage Solitaire
    Dungelot Shattered Lands

    So hard to pick 5!
    Runners up?
    Power Grounds
    Robosockets:Link me Up
    Tall Chess
    Hue Ball
  8. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011

    Wayward Souls

    Alto's Adventure

    Super Hexagon

    Super Crate Box
  9. momism

    momism New Member

    Jan 26, 2016
    Blantyre, Malawi
    5 games.....

    this is my 5 game list
    1. One Piece Treasure Cruise- still hasnt even has an ending so its going to last me long before i actually finish it.
    2. Battleheart Legacy- love the gamelay. would come back after motnhs to play it again for refreshing gameplay.
    3. football manager handheld 2016- the beginning has so many different possiblities so itll be fun to play
    4. Implosion - enjoying the gameplay. suits my taste.
    5. 8 ball pool- just enjoy playing pool with peopl. its my hobby.

    So thats my list...:D:):D:):D
  10. fabell

    fabell Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2016
    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
    King of Dragon's Pass
    Wunderverse (make your own amazing games)
    Dream Quest
    Cytus (with all songs unlocked)
  11. OrangutanKungfu

    OrangutanKungfu Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    Cytus is a really good shout, actually. There's no reason you should ever feel done with it.

    And I loved King of Dragon's Pass - but I feel like I've seen every event. Don't think it could last me till the end of time. Still, a brilliant, brilliant game.
  12. Leegames

    Leegames Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Ex. game journalist and EiC now PR
    Hunters Episode 2
    Love the gameplay, the soundtrack and the look. The random daily levels will make sure I have something different to play for the rest of my life.

    Because on top of a great story I have the forever long quest of improving my home base.

    GTA: San Andreas
    I might finally get around to completing it + some great music for when I get enough of orchestral stuff.
    Could end up changing this for Monster Hunter. Anyways both games should last a long time.

    Asphalt 8
    Again great soundtrack and an amazing arcade racer, I need that.

    Midway Arcade Collection
    Just because there is a lot of variation here, and having only four other games, that seems needed. :)
  13. cyril0108

    cyril0108 New Member

    Nov 2, 2015
    #213 cyril0108, Feb 13, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
    Pinball Arcade (with all tables) : the best pinball simulation of all time. Better than zen pinball as the tables in Pinball Arcade have been built during 50 years using a lot of very skilled people. In zen pinball, all tables are built the same way. The only contender would have been Timeshock! but one single table is not enough.

    Virtual pool 4: Celeris is the best studio of all time concerning pool. Until recently, my choice would have been Virtual pool HD but since a real update has been published, I retain the most up to date.

    Soul calibur: the best fighter of all time. I could have hesitate with Garou but Garou definitely requires a pad.

    Scrabble : not the best adaptation but continuous improvement has led to a solid game now. And to be honest I always spend some time in the subway playing Scrabble.

    Pure chess: a chess game is required. Not the strongestin pure force (Shredder or Hiarcs would then have been my choice) but the most well done with crisp 3D graphics. It.s always a pleasure to play.

    I choose games that will forever be challenging as I will stay forever in a desert Island. Games like Grim Fandango, Baldur's gate or Bioshock have an end, whatever my love for these games.
  14. Rain1dog

    Rain1dog Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    What ever happened to mission Europa? No longer in store?
  15. Nekko

    Nekko Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2014
    iOS 9 broke it I believe, so Ryan took it down to fix it I guess.
  16. modus_ataraxia

    modus_ataraxia Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2015
    Crashlands - Assuming user made content, it could go on for a long time.
    Wayward Souls - Best ARPG, plus procedual generation.
    Geometry Wars 3 - Endless arcade shooting
    Pac-Man CEDX - The best version of a timeless game.
    Monster Hunter FU - Because if you can put MH on a list, you do it.
  17. #217 brothamannp11911, Feb 17, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2016
    My five

    1. Bug Heroes the original... Sequel is amazing, but I prefer the first one

    2. Bad Piggies/Angry Birds DO NOT SHOOT ME :D Bad Piggies has this "unlimited toy" feel to it and I just can't stop playing it. Angry birds original has soooo much content and I just love these games.

    3. If I can have an online game, Combat Monsters. Truly a unique and fun experience that is one of the best strategy experiences I have found in 6 years of iOS gaming for me.

    4. Heroes & Castles II. Fresh install ;) the depth and width of this game is endless. I love tinkering in it... I have sunk more hours in this game then any other iOS experience I think.

    5. Block Fortress II. It's not here yet, not even announced... BUT C'MON Foursaken, your Twitter pretty much ;)s its existence lol.

    Non-gaming apps...

    Autodesk Sketchbook. It's so much awesome for drawing.
    The Bible app... *ducks* hahahaa crams so many versions, books, devotions, notes, etc. into one spot.
    Snap seed for photo editing, gotta have something to do on the deserted island lol.
    Evernote. My brain is stored in this app, notes, ideas, dreams, writings, etc.
    Interval Timer. Need this to help with working out and staying active
  18. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Oh, you better believe I'll have my Bible app. I use Accordance, since I've dropped $1000+ into modules for it. My undergrad and graduate degrees are in ministry, so it's totally justified!
  19. Dema9o9ue

    Dema9o9ue Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jan 16, 2015
    #219 Dema9o9ue, Feb 18, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    1. Desert Golfing
    2. Hearthstone
    3. Card Crawl
    4. #YMBAB
    5. Prison Life RPG
  20. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    #220 Dailon80, Feb 19, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    The World Ends With You
    Dragon Quest VIII
    Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky
    Final Fantasy IX
    Ace Attorney Trilogy

    I like RPGs I think :)

    I have minecraft and final fantasy vii on console or they would've made the list. I do have final fantasy ix on console but mobile version is way better!

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