peter petrelli can absorb powers so can sylar but in a much more stupid way (by using their brains as play-doh)
shapeshifter > turns into bird > flying >turns into ant > eavesdrops on the president and attends free movies
I've actually spent too much time in my life thinking about this one... I like the invisibility idea, you could cause quite a bit of mischief with that one. But I'd have to go with stopping time as others have said, that way you could just do whatever you wanted! I always imagined it like that one old show, Out of this World I think it was, and the little girl could touch her two index fingers together and stop time. But then she could touch whoever she wanted to unfreeze them, while everyone else stayed frozen. That would be ideal NotYou, sweet Arrested Development reference, one of my all time favorites.
invisibility would be cool but like you still make noise if you move, so it would be hard to pull off kinda like in harry potter freezing time would be the same / better alternative
Teleportation. Go where you want, when you want, never get caught. Even if someone sees you, just disappear and they'll think something was in their eyes.
I would say the ability to manipulate characteristics of objects around you. Then to go somewhere you just solidify some air and float where you want, also, you could build whatever you need. Be invisible buy bending the light around you, listen in by projecting their sound waves toward yourself. And of course, be a total bad ass and do whatever you want, because if someone dislikes you, *whoops* it looks like he accidentally fell into the middle of the earth!
What kind of horrible power is that? I mean, really. What most people don't get about coding is that you never quit learning. You learn some new function, or anything all the time. Plus, you still have to make graphics. Oh, and to answer the question, I'd have to pick the ability to manipulate time. Not just stop or reverse, but to manipulate it. Make it move faster for some people, slower for others, and me be able to control it all. That'd be amazing.
Has nobody said anything about the video editing thing in your sig? I may as well then. U can editz ma pr0nz? Rightt... Be honest. Anyone who has more than ___ number of posts on TA can't be a woman seducer. Honestly.