Sorry for the random question My friends and I were talking about this a few weeks ago I keep having dreams about being a shapeshifter what would yours be? (i think i watch too much heroes)
Ooh, one of my favorite childhood questions to ask my friends. Truthfully, there is no way I could choose just one power. Also, your clock is running half a minute slow.
totally, that would be the craziest power considering u could move around and interact with the environment, or else it would be kinda lame
this little video may help some of you with your decision...
It's Tobias from Arrested Develpment (R.I.P.). He's the world famous 'analrapist.' "I just blue myself" is one of his more famous lines. Edit:
It's a reference to the show Arrested Development (I think), one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. As for me, I have pondered this question during a many late nights when I can't fall asleep. Flight would be cool, but become impractical after a while. Teleportation would be nice, but not too flashy. Super speed would be nice, but rather useless. I'd have to go with the ability to stop time, a la ClockStoppers. That would be incredible