If iPad 3 gets retina...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by maev, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. maev

    maev Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Then what about all the software written for iPad 1 / 2?

    I'm planning to get my very own iPad, but I decided to wait till march for the third revision of this awesome hardware. Yet if the rumors are true, retina will launch the screen resolution of third iPad into oblivion...

    Does that mean that all the previous software will become obsolete? With stretched / blurry graphics intedned primarily for 1024x768 resolution as the
    only option to have fun with. Or devs will force us to wait for endless stream of patches?

    Ability to scale up graphics would be awesome in upcoming revision.

    What do you guys think?

    It might be a silly question, but I'm all new into Apple.
  2. LazyGamer

    LazyGamer Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    Kiel, Germany
    I REALLY dont believe it will come with iPad 3.

    Anyway, software doesnt get obsolote, it will be scaled like non Retina iPhone 3 apps on iPhone 4.

    The reason that looked so bad was the lack of filtering/antialiasing, so the 2x2 Pixels were clearly visible. If they'll handle it just a little more intelligently on Retina-iPad the apps will look great.
  3. LBG

    LBG SeƱor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    That would be pretty insane. Retina size pixels would mean a resolution of 2048 x 1536 (1080p is 1920 x 1080).
    I doubt it will be on the iPad 3, but I guess it could happen in the future. It would probably be very expensive though.
  4. sid187

    sid187 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2009
    one thing you need to learn about this technology game technology becomes old obsolete what seems like every 3 years.. generally companys are pretty good at keeping the old shit working until the hardware just cannot hack it any more by then its time to update anyhow.

    im not one who feels i have to upgrade every year, every 2-3 years is fine with me.

    i won a free ipod gen 3 from my car club lottery.. so im thinking of using the money i was saving to buy a new ipod, and use that money to try out a ipad. i do have a 7" ebook reader "nook color" that i rooted with a custom rom and its fun little android device.

    every since the ipad was announced I always bought or downloaded software i thought i would be interested in if the sale was right .99 or free, figured if i was to ever get a ipad.. 90% of them ipad apps were free.. but i did spend .99 on a few i thought i would use.. so i have a shit lof if ipad games now, that i really should get a ipad for now ( my whole logic on even collecting the apps for a device i did not own.. i figured i got enough free software for my ipod.. i was not really losing anything but hard drive space since most of the ipad apps i have i got for free with a handful i paid.99 for.. i spent more than 5.00 on a beer in the past so its all realitive i guess.. ).. and with this whole cloud thing from how it seems to be working with my ipod.. hard drive size is not really that big of a issue now..

    so ill just go with the 499.99 wifi model. with out the cloud stuff i would say for a fact that is to small.. cause my 32 meg ipod was to small i thought.. the 64 i have now is a nice size.. but with this cloud stuff and how i think apple wants us to use the cloud...i see it as a big buffer from my hard drive on my pc.. different than what other cloud servers wanted or thats the impression m getting. .. even 8gigs ipod woud be enough for a ipod if this cloud system works like im thinking..
    Im not the biggest apple fanboy or i would know all the answers to my own questions,but whatever.

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