Saw 3 seconds of gameplay and hit the buy button. Lets hope this is as awesome as those 3 seconds looked. If not, it was only 2 dollars. Oh, the joy of iOS gaming.
'Coz call me blind, but I can't tell the difference between the textures in medium and low, so...I doubt there's much of a difference between med and max. >_>
Dudes! Is this what I think it is? DH2 with updated graphics, i.e. what DH4 should've been? Too lazy (and busy today) to read the entire thread 1) Controls ok? It looked kinda cluttered from the screens 2)Framerate's acceptable? 3)Loot/character customization? Story based quests? Thanks
Spoiler In NetHack, though, it's possible to get (almost) unlimited inventory via Bag of Holding, which has a 50% chance of appearing at the end of Sokoban. Gauntlets of Power can also raise your strength to reach the encumbrance cap. Limmitted inventory isn't caused by hardware restrictions, in NetHack it's another way the game presents a challenge that must be overcome.
TANSTAAFL. Geez, Iesabel is almost free, the price is a joke. Yes, dear devs, even with the problems I mentioned, I think your game is severely underpriced (could run in the 5-10€ price range; and if iTunes wasn't so ridiculous, a realistic price would be 20€+) [No,I will not rant about some folks entitlement issues, and "I want everything but not drop a dime for it, no matter I own a shitty expensive device" attitude ... I really won't ... Off! Off! Bad Boy! No ranting! ]
Great gameplay. Best looking RPG on ios without a doubt!! Bagain at the price it is. Few small glitches that have already been mentioned but not game breakers. Back to playing now bye!
It a couple of dollars. Come on. Help support these devs. You've got an expensive iOS device. Buy the game! If the game was free with no IAPs how would the devs make any money??
Ok so here are my very first impressions, the game could be a must have if it wasn't full of small bugs and problems, but after a few updates, I am sure it will be one! But please make this game playable, because right now, it is very slow (and I have a brand new iphone5) and lagging. It is also sometime very difficult to see where to go or where is the enemy (under trees or behind a rock). But a part from those bugs, the game is a gem, really beautiful and very addictive, the soundtrack is very immersive too. So fix those issues and your game will be a must have for sure!!!
I have half a mind to abuse my moderator powers because of comments like this. SERIOUSLY DUDE? WHAT THE HELL?
I was just putting it out there you know. We are all in a jovial mood and who knows the devs catch the bug too. And no, don't abuse your mighty powers. Put them to better use.
Wow, a full featured action rpg with no IAP and it's only $2! This is the definition of instabuy for me.