Universal iDOS 2

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Mar 14, 2015.

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  1. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Yes same problem here with iOS 9. Funny thing is that iDOS1 and PowerDOS runs fine. Except side loading to Documents folder doesn't work anymore :(
  2. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    #62 CalinR, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    Mine still works, iOS 9, iPad 3, no jailbreak. Just figured I'd chime in as well. Played at least an entire minute of dune 2 without it crashing.
  3. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Is that definitely v2?
  4. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    #64 CalinR, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    Yep, deff iDos2, version 20150510.

    Don't have the first one, subscribed to this thread just in case something like this happened. I guess the only thing I did differently than maybe other people is that I went into the .txt file before whatever iOS 8 version killed ifunbox and added a bunch of games to it.

    I doubt that'd circumvent whatever broke it, but IT troubleshooting 101 dictates I share any changes I made lol.

    I would hazard to guess though, based on almost no PC hardware knowledge compared to someone who does it for a living, but significantly more than your average user, that the fact that I'm running a device which can't fully take advantage of iOS 9's new features might have a lot to do with it, if the code for the app multitasking or whatever the hell they call it screws with this app. I don't know how Apple implements their code, but I also don't know what devices y'all are trying to run this on now except for the one guy who's trying to run it on his phone, which I don't do.

    Sorry to hear everyone's having problems though.
  5. Weaver1497

    Weaver1497 Member

    Jun 4, 2011
    I think above poster has the idos app from around 2011-12. This is idos 2 that's still available on the App Store as of right now. You can load games via iTunes file share. Was released about 4 months ago. No need for ifunbox.

    Just for the record. I updated my iPhone 6 and idos 2 does NOT work on it. Gonna stay on ios8 on my iPad Air 2 at the moment and hope this author releases another update for ios9 compatibility. Has anyone tested this app on an air 2 yet?
  6. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Might update my Air 1 tonight to see. Slightly older device so may have similar luck to CalinR, who I think is using the same version as us. iTunes file sharing was only added on the most recent version, so perhaps he didn't know about it.

    I also have Xcode 7 installed and managed to load it onto my 6+. It crashes like the store version and reports some errors, however they aren't clear. Will debug when I have more time.
  7. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    #67 CalinR, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    Weaver, man, I don't mean to be rude but I know how to read version numbers and which app I use. I never bought the original idos app exactly because of the rigmarole of OS updates breaking emulation apps. I realize that what I'm saying seems implausible given that I'm the only one on here who isn't having problems. Once I turn on my PC tmrw morning, I'd be happy to post a picture of the app icon and a game running on it since the TA app has somehow gotten worse at uploading pics with iOS 9 than before. I'm not gonna lie, Xcode and MIDI emulation tweaks are a bit above my head, but give me some credit man, I'm not on here talking about candy crush.

    I'm an actual old school PC user, 28, not a millennial who grew up with an iPhone, so I don't have any clue what iTunes file sharing does since I try to avoid that program like the plague. To me, if you read the earlier posts in this thread, it was much simpler to modify a .txt file and load up some zips than to mess around with iTunes anything.

    I'm using the idos 2 app, on an iPad3, not a phone, on older hardware, which might very well mean that I'm immune to this issue since my hardware literally doesn't know how to make use of some bits of the code in the new OS. Given how draconian Apple is about their software, I'd imagine it'd be easier for them to just disable the exact features that are causing the issue if the software recognizes hardware it can't use in order to avoid bad publicity from older folks who understand even less than I do about this.
  8. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Ok so I tested using the iOS Simulator within Xcode. And it does indeed work with iPad 2 and iPad Air 1 (iPad 3 is not available device). So what CalinR has deduced is completely correct :)

    Looks like it's an issue with newer generation devices. I shall be updating my Air 1 soon :)
  9. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    Neon, glad I was able to help.
  10. Weaver1497

    Weaver1497 Member

    Jun 4, 2011
    That is great to hear! I meant no disrespect, just didn't know if you were confused as there have been multiple idos apps released.

    Bummed it looks like the app will break if I update my air 2. Still keeping fingers crossed that the author will update the app for iOS9. I'm wonderIng if he was extremely lucky to get the iTunes file sharing update in a few months ago and is having trouble getting a new update approved?
  11. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Not sure. The app is open source and there haven't been any updates recently. But that's not to say he hasn't been working on it and just hasn't uploaded the updates publicly yet
  12. Weaver1497

    Weaver1497 Member

    Jun 4, 2011
    Quick update: Had to go ahead and update to IOS9 on my iPad Air 2. Idos2 is working great! All the games I've tested are working great!

    Still not working on my iPhone 6. But the air 2 is the most bleeding edge hardware currently and the app works. So my guess the iPad version of this app was somehow future proofed while the iPhone version was not. Anyway thought I would let everyone know.
  13. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Update: The developer has fixed the startup crash on iPhone 6 and 6+.

    I can confirm it works on my 6+ device and on 6 via simulator. Not sure when he'll submit to the appstore, but anyone with Xcode 7 can compile it for themselves.
  14. Enoimateh

    Enoimateh New Member

    Sep 24, 2015

    I was wondering if any of the users here could help me.

    I've got iDOS2 working on my iPad2, with IOS9. All is working perfectly fine except for the fact that I can not get my Logitech Keyboard (linked to iPad via Bluetooth) to work in iDOS2. Some of the games require a vast set of keys and using the virtual keyboard is just a tad difficult. Is there anybody else having this issue or managed to get it working? If so, how?

    Many thanks in advance to any reply.
  15. neonbible

    neonbible Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    As far as I know iDOS2 does not support Bluetooth keyboards. Another app called PowerDOS did support them in the last version before it was removed from the AppStore a few months ago. However it did not support iTunes file sharing so wouldn't be possible to add files to it even if you did own it (unless you jailbreak or are on iOS 8.2 or below).
  16. Nrtimpan

    Nrtimpan New Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    Where can I get the source to compile? I am dying to have this working again!
  17. Weaver1497

    Weaver1497 Member

    Jun 4, 2011
    Looks like this has an update waiting. But it locks out iTunes file transfer. If you are on an iPad I would NOT update as you wouldn't be able to add any new programs.

    It's working again on iPhone post update but it locks it in portrait mode. Just FYI, I would think before updating.
  18. Borgqueenx

    Borgqueenx Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    #78 Borgqueenx, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    Did you check it out? You sure the new fix removes itunes file sharing? Too bad power dos was removed from the app store :(
    But this one works the same, just edit the starting command for full access to the c folder i guess.

    Edit: update is out but removes landscape mode :(
  19. JindoFox

    JindoFox Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    If you follow the developer's progress on github, he writes that they're trying to update the settings pane. I was heartened to see that landscape says "currently iPad only." It seems to me it's still being supported. Not crashing at launch under iOS 9 is a bigger deal to me than landscape. I'm sure the other fix is coming.
  20. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009

    iTunes File Sharing has been removed from iDOS 2 1.4

    Make a copy of the iDOS 2 1.3 IPA file somewhere, and load it up with software before updating to 1.4.

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