Easiest way is to use iTunes and drag a zip file of the game into the iDOS area. Launch iDOS at the c:\ prompt type DIR You should see your zip file type cd games mkdir nameofgame cd nameofgame unzip c:\nameofzip.zip That will unzip the contents of the zip file into the new folder you created. You should then be able to run the game. If you dont know what to type to run the game, use the following commands to find out what to type to run it. dir *.bat BAT files will often be the start command for a game dir *.exe BAT files normaly just run the EXE file.
Thanks for that, I'll play with it but do you press enter between all those prompts you listed below type? And what does mkdir standfor? Also would dragging just the install file or exe file suffice or do I need all the contents from the games folder or the entire zip?
I have some on floppies...awe... About SCUMMVM, at first they have problems with the iOS's developer terms and agreements. With this and VLC player already approved, I see no reason why it cannot be ported, or perhaps it is being ported underway... More classics on my mind: I-have-no-mouth-and-I-must-scream! Crusader, No Remorse System Shock! WaW: Operation Crusader (Windows-based?) Life is getting better and better...
Yes, press ENTER after every command mkdir stands for make directory, you will want to put each game in its own folder If the game is simply one large EXE that then installs to a DOS folder then that might work fine. You will probably just have to give it ago.
Can anyone try and download pocket tanks? Amazing game. I try to use on scummvm but it never works for me. Let me know if anyone would do this for me. If so, im totally in for buying this app.
Pirates! Gold works. Finally some Sid Meier's Pirates on an iDevice. This app is great. The keyboard is a little finicky unfortunately. Hopefully Apple doesn't pull the app before we get a few performance updates.
Can you tell me how to get dig dug to run? I got to it's folder along with ms packman but I can't tell if it is an exe file or what and there is a com next to it's name. Do I type DIR Digdug COM.exe or what cause it stated dig dug.exe doesn't exist.
This has got to be a prank; or maybe I am still dreaming. Either way, you have my 99ยข. I'm so glad I saw this before Apple did.
If you guys are looking for software to load, start with 3DRealms website: http://www.3drealms.com/downloads.html Those of you old enough might remember them as "Apogee"? (dahhh, da, da, dat, da, da, da, dat, da, dat, da, dat, da, dahhhhhhhhhh.... you boys just don't get it...) Think: Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Major Stryker, Raptor, Wacky Wheels, etc.
Not yet. I will later tonight when I can plug in my iPad. But at least some of them should work. Especially the older stuff like Monuments of Mars.