I started playing "Everything" today and was thinking a Clicker game dealing with elements and matter would be sweet. Are there any like that? Ones where you build... things by clicking? I don't know if that makes sense.
Idle Universe is something like that. Collide particles to create atoms, molecules, and eventually a universe. Not the most inspiring of clickers though. The most interesting clicker I've found to date is Kittens Game. Build a kitty village It's of the spreadsheet type, so no graphics, but has about 100 times more depth than Bit City. It's still in early development and could do with some interface improvements. It becomes very complex, so doesn't really qualify as 'idle'. Before long a vast amount of management is required.
Demon Princess Marie. I posted this last week but since i can never get how you post games with the app icon and info etc for the life of me, it probably got deleted/ lost. It's a fun anime tapper with sideways battle. This and abyssrium are my current tappers, check it if it sounds interesting to you.
Hmmm. Thanks, you guys! I'm not the biggest clicker-guy, but from from your suggestions, I added a few to my arsenal! Cool!#
That's a massive list. I like clickers, but that's way too many. You think that you could do a "if you only play 5..." thing. Preferably ones that aren't so generic.
Lol this is a list narrowed down from thousands I've played over the years here . If you look at the original post date , two years ago, I've played a thousand since then and this list is literally the ones for anyone who wants to pick up a clicker game and not waste there time. Also if you look I put an asterisk beside my absolute favorites that I've spent almost months on. These are the best IMO . If you read my original post almost all your questions were answered.
Jayg : Which clicker Played spaceplan. Loved it. Just getting into clickers. Which should I get next?
Spaceplan is so unique. I have athread of clicker games I've combed through. I put an asterisk by some of my picks that I spent the most time playing. Here is a link. http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=261384&highlight=Clicker+games
I think this one should also be in the list. It's really fun to play. A bit like cookie clicker, but with production and reduction. Get it on Google Play -> Hit the S**t
Hey guys, full disclosure: We are a team of professional developers and made this game. Fun twist - the entire game was made in 5 days in a company hacakthon - if you feel like trying it, don't shy away from giving us some feedback! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DefaultCompany.IdleSeaport