Got the backdrop from the TTR3 menus and added some color. Trying to get the TTR3 logo alone so I can put it on there as well....
you should send those to I love that site! maybe contact whoevers in charge and creat a category for the app wallpapers
Got bored at 1am and decided to mess with the TTR3 bg image (again). Resulted in: Think it turned out better than the first time (see post abit above) P.S: Is it just me or is uploading pics here not working? Been having to upload to TinyPic
I just found this thread and I'm really impressed! Just WOW! I have two requests: 1. I really want a Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper or something with the Keyblade involved. 2. I'd like the Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii) box art image as a Wallpaper too. See if anyone can take a shot at those! Thanks and job well done!!! =D
There are some great Ramp Champ wallpapers here at their site., worth checking out. Imma make one that just says Ramp Champ though
Got made these. There are some (much) better ones over at their site but they're ramp themed.