Well..............we're all a bit crazy over here. And I'm sure we're better as well. So should I PM you the wallpaper when it's finished or do I just post it here? EDIT: Crap closed PS. Gotta start all over. Hang on a sec Brew.
Lol. That's great!. Can you do one for me, except with the 'shrooms? Googled- pick the one that's best for you: Whoaz. Huge link
sure as heck I will. These are awesome lol, making one for me for sure btw, people, these take less than 2 mins to do, so feel free to ask also, here's the full res pics for and
if you could find an awesome very retro, NES type Super Mario ingame, that would be amazing. Did you get my email?
team fortress, dat would be hot, i suck at wallpapers so if someone could do one that would be nice, o and a slider would be cool too, but anything will work thanks! >:l Heres the pic (it can be expanded for better quality): http://mcchicken.free.fr/bordel/wallpaper_team_fortress_2.jpg
wow i thaught this was still full of request for jailbreak screens and stuff but i guesse not so i will do a wallpaper for anyone if they want it...