Im not too convinced on a GotY spot (on my personal list of course) yet, but this game is easily the best for me this week.
Hey Patrick Is there a chance of adding an iap to disable ads? Because to be honest this game is top notch and when I see the bubble ad after each level it takes away from it I'd gladly pay extra to remove them
There's a free Flash version of Wonderputt that you can play online on PC - highly recommended if you can't play the iPad version.
I have only played through 12 levels so far, but I'm really enjoying this game. Sometimes the main character can get pretty small on the iPhone, but I understand artistically why they did it. . . I saved up about 1,000 ice block without really trying, so I think they IAP seems really optional.
My only (paid) this week (so far) too, but would there be an "Artstyle of the year" competition, this would make a Top3 spot, in my books. Somebody said it right - Brilliant Monty Python's memories come up, and i'm just in level 6. Buy it and support these Devs.
I wouldn't pay iap to disable ads on a paid app tbh. It shouldn't be there in the first place. Good thing it doesn't distract gameplay. But yeah, still there. Boo. The game is Superb though!
Personal preference. My jailbreak does more than iOS 7 ever will. I should have updated to the latest ios6 version before iOS 7 dropped.
I am very satisfied with my purchase. There is literally a ton of content here for a dollar. Great graphics, great gameplay and an absolutely fantastic atmosphere. Kudos to the developers and Chillingo for a nice game
Ya but for a game of this quality only costing $1,I'd gladly pay another $1 so I could stop seeing that damn lady in a bubble
If it makes you feel any better, picture someone playing a random other Chillingo game and getting a bubble containing a naked guy on a tiny bicycle!
I spent a few hours playing this today, and it's really great. The different themes and art style in general are fantastic. No need to worry about IAP. I only have a few missions left. I have purchased most of the items, without spending real money on ice cubes. I saved for the doubler first (2,000 cubes) and then I did a little grinding on level 15. It's a super simple level and IIRC there's 55 cubes (which double to 110). . . . You can "grind" 1,000+ coins in like 5 minutes that way. Long story short: the game isn't too grindy, or too greedy Great game, well worth the 99 cents!!!
Really great game with interesting level designs, plenty of challenge, creative art, and secrets! A ridiculous amount of entertainment for a measly dollar.