I am just letting everyone know that Icycle is developed by the same developer who created Wonderputt.
Because they don't want to take a direct hit from the Thanksgiving (especially Black Friday) sale, since releasing games during this week is already risky enough and could significantly damage their sales.
Fan-tas-tic ! I would gladly pay $1 just for the intro. This is a must have and one of the best chillingo releases in ages.
Agree, this game pours imagination, quality and polish all around. The first couple of levels hints at an outstanding game. And you have left right controls, can jump (physics are awesome) that disappear after some seconds leaving a great area to see. So far, gameplay is absolutely fantastic. Its really imaginative and cool. Its going to be a great ride.
Only played the first two levels before I'm off to bed but wow does this look like it's going to be cool, can't wait to play this tomorrow.
The difficulty level rises sharply a quarter or so of the way through, and there is absolutely no reason at all to have limited continues and send you back to the beginning of the stage. Except as a way to push IAP.
Been waiting for this since TA first mentioned it back in June - well worth more than the 69p asking price for the art style alone. Damp Gnat really are a class act. Their previous game, Wonderputt, is a thing of beauty so this one's bought without a second thought. Can't wait to play this & can't wait for DG's next release!
This game is simply amazing. Kind of surprising to see Chillingo as the publisher of this - it's a lot more "artsy" than their typical games. And wow, it is a piece of art indeed. Loving it so far. Looks to be a little short with just the 20 levels but the challenges certainly won't be easy to complete so lots of replay value here. A measly buck is sadly under valuing this game, which from what I've played so far could be a GoTY contender.
Thanks Sanuku for another gameplay video and thanks Damg Gnap for what seems to be an astounding platformer! Wonderputt was another artistic achievement, one of the most visually beautiful and original iOS games, and this looks to surpass it! Will pick it up tonight. I only hope that Gabrien's concern is not a legit one, in that the game employs a lives system to push IAPs.
That doesn't bother as much as the "bubble" iAds that hover in the corner of the menu screen. A little surpassed to see this here and it does take you abruptly out of what the game is trying to achieve. Shame really to spoil the game this way. Next.