iCaramba Spanish Course - UPDATE thanks to forum-users

Discussion in 'iOS Apps' started by iCaramba, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. iCaramba

    iCaramba Active Member

    May 6, 2009
    Hi all!

    A while back I asked for some feed-back on our apps for the "iCaramba Spanish Course"-series.

    Thanks to some very insightful input we have recently finalized an update to the apps including as many of the suggested features as possible:
    - Title-screen with the animated guide Juan dancing to latin tunes!
    - Pressing next lesson will open that lesson if it is installed instead of just directing you to AppStore.
    - Visited pages will be "greyed out" to help navigation.
    - Animated guide is now talking in English in Lesson 1.

    We are still working on some of the other suggested features/improvements, which will be added in future updates.

    Once again, thank you so much for your input (you know who you are :) ), and please keep it comming.

    For those that aren't familiar with the "iCaramba Spanish Course"-series, here is a presentation:


    "iCaramba Spanish Course" is an iPhone/iPod Touch application that teaches you Spanish from the ground up.

    It is based on an academic course in Spanish, but we try to make it much more fun and engaging by varying texts, images, animations, sounds, and interactive exercises.

    At the moment 6 of the 20 lessons are available from App Store (Lesson 7 is currently avaiting approval which usually takes about a week). You can either get them as a package or individually - what ever suits you best.

    I hope it sounds interesting, and you can read more about it on App Store:

    Spanish Lesson 1 - iCaramba

    iCaramba Spanish Course (contains 5 first lessons)

    Ill leave you with some screenshots:






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