iCade compatibility list/wishlist

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by laxking97, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. somedumbgamer

    somedumbgamer Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2013
    R.Type plays well on the 8-bitty but I'm still getting my arse handed to me. Although, this game is a lot about memorizing the enemy patterns so I think anyone would get better eventually.

    I played a little 1001 Attempts too, and I think I should be able to beat my online rank of 39 now. The 8-bitty is awesome so far but out of my 200 plus games, it only works with about 30.
  2. somedumbgamer

    somedumbgamer Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2013
    This thread is great, btw. Made it a breeze to organize all my games that will work with my 8-Bitty, into one container.
  3. What is the status of sine mora icade?
  4. masvil

    masvil Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Definetely needed, but devs never stated they will add it. Such a shame, actually it's a great game with inadeguate controls. We have to do something :)
  5. Thanks, yeah, I doubted that Microsoft would ever put in icade support cause they make joysticks themselves.

    But reading the thread there were some inquiries by some of you icade folks, so I was hopeful. Thanks!
  6. masvil

    masvil Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
  7. Yeah, that's what I always wanted in pinball games, to use some buttons for nudging and stuff, how does it play with it?
  8. yellowknife

    yellowknife Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2010
    Pulling down on joystick operates plunger, but it wasn't used for anything else before. I assume now you can use joystick for nudging too (in different directions). Before there was only one type of nudging and it was mapped to a single button.

    This is an amazing app. GUI slightly annoying, but their conversion of pinball tables is second to none. They even successfully Kickstarted conversion of Star Trek TNG as there were high licensing costs.
  9. Thanks yellowknife!

    Here is a comment on the next update of The Other Bros, a game I helped with icade.


    This was one of my comments long ago, when I was helping you with icade controls like the hide buttons thing that you did for me a while back.

    Thank you SimianSquared! You are the best!!!! :)
  10. masvil

    masvil Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Do you think Pinball Arcade is better then Zen? I mean fun factor, not sim/emu value.
  11. Ok all!!!!!!!!!

    I need your help, I got the developer of Sine Mora to seriously consider icade support for Sine Mora!

    Even if you don't have this game, it would be awesome for icade support.

    Please come support OUR cause to get icade in this game, it would be awesome. Please go here asap!

  12. masvil

    masvil Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
  13. Xeyad

    Xeyad Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2012
    Done :D

    iCade for this game is a MUST, especially on my Nyko Playpad Pro.
  14. The dev is gonna piss in his pants, he said he never heard of icade before. Now he does. :)
  15. Yes we have won the battle, for icade consideration for Sine Mora!!!

    From the developer rept_ai

    Yes! You are awesome!!!! Thanks. :)
  16. Lightning Fighter 2 dev has said icade will now be put in!!! Woohoo thanks go out alot to currymutton!

    Alright! We are winning this icade war! If sine mora and lightning fighters 2 get icade support, then that will be awesome!

    Now we gotta get more street fighter games to put it in, shmups are my favorite, but at least it looks like on the shmups side, we are winning!
  17. yellowknife

    yellowknife Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2010
    I have haven't played Zen enough to have a personal opinion, but I have really enjoyed Pinball Arcade.
  18. Awesome news.............

    Wow, oh wow! I'm sorry for having been an icade pest, but man, this news really made my day. I was kinda expecting for me to get flamed by the vstick touch fans saying no, vstick is better than icade (j/k), but I didn't and icade got a lot of support here.

    But most important, once all us icaders fall in love with physical joystick controls, you will be the first dev in line for sine mora with the apple joystick, and you will get alot of sales at that time. And some more when the icade update comes out.

    Make sure to check the hdmi thread, there is alot of info I put there on icade, I will think hard about the best button placements and the such and post them here to promote discussion.

    Thank you dev for considering of icade, and really, it makes all of us proud here (especially the icade loverz group, hi all!) for you to have taken our feedback, and used it to make your game even better.

    Thank you on behalf of the icade community.
  19. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    Have to catch up on this thread soon!

    Meanwhile, I see than 4NR has dropped in price, and Dig! is currently free.

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