Again thats the bad side of emulators. I've got Pacman/Ms Pacman etc on Gridlee but i've bought them to support the devs (Same for Metal Slug games etc). Its $5, i mean 5 dollars ! Not that expensive at all. Its a shame if companies lost out due to emulators
Looks like it has only been a buck once (in 2011) since launch, but about once a year it goes on $2 sale. And $3 sale every few months. EDIT: speak of the devil... just went on $2 sale! Ms. Pac-Man may be the better title? But "real" Pac-Man has more nostalgia for me: the first arcade game I played AND the first console game!
Yeah, funny. Was kinda hoping for a buck, but to support the icade cause, bought! Going out with some friends tonight, will bring my icade and play this with them, friends really like my icade, it is cool.
Goto this link and help me convince the developer of storm the train to get icade support!
Reprint from qwak hd sale thread from $3.99 to $.99. Get it if you don't have it. Never realized that this had icade support, but thought I would just try and see what happens! And lo and behold it works! The only problem is the developer must have had an icade 8 bitty joypad, cause the button mapping is a little messed up. It uses the white start and select buttons, which are not really optimal for the core or original icades. But not too bad. Too bad the developer didn't map more buttons to do the same functions, can't understand why developers just don't use all the buttons so players can choose which butttons to use. Works well with icade and hdmi. As pictured. Joypad works, but not so well. It does not load a custom template, so it uses a default template, which isn't that great. The buttons and pad are spaced at odd intervals making it hard to play for me. Prefer the regular touch controls over the joypad controls. Icade though is probably the best. Cool game, highly recommended!
Good news, talked developer into trying to put icade into Crumble zone! Also, trying to talk him into putting icade in New game Daddy's was a thief Come help me represent! Come into the thread and ask for icade, so we can get it in! Thanks.
Reprint from HDMI thread Icade Models and Buying Guide ----------------------------------- There are quite a few models of joysticks and joypads that will support icade protocol as of late. Some are made by the creator of icade, Ion, and others are made by various other companies. The official Ion icade controllers are as follows: The original icade was kind of a miniature cabinet. It was designed more for nostalgic reasons, and some like it cause of it's real arcade look. The icade core joystick is the one I recommend cause it is the most versatile. It will work with all ipads, and all iphones via bluetooth. The idevices do not have to be in the slot to work. For example, you can have your ipad hooked into hdmi tv, and then, just use the icade core in your lap as a wireless joystick. Or put your iphone or ipad on a stand on a table, and play the core in your lap. Or put your ipad or iphone in the slot as almost a sort of cabinet. An ipad mini will work fine too with the icade core. In portrait mode, will look great. In landscape, the mini will be a little lower, but the whole screen will be visible. The other versions are mainly for iphone (though I still recommend the icade core for an iphone). The mobile and jr are cool for their uses. There are some other non Ion brands, such as: The 8-bitty is small, like a joypad, but the button mapping is terrible. Also, the quality of parts is not all that great. But the portability and size are great. Most games are made for button mapping for the original and icade. Take a look at the button mapping of the 8-bitty. You will notice the main buttons are the usual start and select buttons, which is unfortunate. The is also the Nyko playpad pro joystick (icad supported) See this post. It seems to have some promise, it is made more for Android, but it has an icade compatibility setting. Seems kinda like an xbox type controller, but the dual analog sticks will not work for icade. Might be worth a look. And finally the Ipega gamepad (icade support). This is for iphone only, and the holder does worry me cause it seems flimsy, but read this. There's probably others and probably will be new ones in the future too. But bottom line, I still recommend the icade core joystick, just cause it has a big stick and buttons, will work with ipads and iphones, it fits great in your lap, has a slot for an ipad or iphone, is somewhat portable, and is the best to use with hdmi tv. Also, make sure to check Ion's official page, it will list which games are supported by which joysticks. Most will work with the original and core, but the others have spotty support. Also, take a look at all the games for icade. Hope this helps! ------- Reprint from Toucharcade's Chatroom Lax has both, and I trust his word, he is the main upkeeper of the icade thread, and I would agree. Just buy the icade core, it works with both ipads and iphones, and while it isn't perfect for iphone use like it is for the ipad, it is very useable. The iphone or itouch will fit in the slot or you can play with your iphone on a stand on a table, and with icade core in your lap or on the table. Here is a picture of my icade core with an iphone game. Phoenix HD with iphone 4 with an icade core joystick. In fact, I get a kick out of playing it with my iphone 4 cause it is so fun. A nice change of pace, and kinda funny playing with such a small screen. Like a comedy. you reckon I should buy an iCade Core through Amazon US? With shipping, it's about NZ$63 (if we classify it under Toys, Sports and/or Electronics). It's battery powered as far as I know, but (noob question upcoming) would it work with my NZ stuff? Edit: Did more research, I noticed it's on Amazon UK for (including shipping) NZ$53...should I get it there?
This may sound really stupid, but there's no Amazon NZ for hobbits? Maybe someone else would know where it is cheapest in NZ, uses two double A batteries.
There isn't an Amazon NZ, we just use a variety of online stores There is this on one of them, but Amazon UK is still cheaper
Impossible Road will probably be getting icade support! Getting pretty good at this, plasma sky, the other bros got it, fangz, impossible road, and crumble zone should be getting it fairly soon, coolness!
Mine was delivered from Amazon last weekend. You won't regret getting one. My iPhone and iPad are jailbroken so I've been using it with MAME4iOS and it's great. It's actually better with the games available on the App Store because the developers optimize the control configuration. As far as them working with games from the NZ App Store, I don't know why they wouldn't.