I'm in the same boat. Running a Jailbroken IPad 2 (JB it for IMame and ICade) on firmware 4.3.3, jailbroken with Jailbreakme. I've also deleted and reinstalled the game. Set the arcade settings to On and made sure Sound was on. When the ICade controls kick in, the sound kicks out and stays gone no matter the control settings. Game plays fine and seems great for ICade, but no sound. This is a definite bug that correlates to sound and ICade. Only deleting and reinstalling the app brings back the sound.. I'm bummed, because I love space shooters and I want to play this game more than any on my ICade. But be assured, this is a real bug and not a fluke with the above poster, but repeatable in other IPad, IPad 2's. Mine being one. I'm sure it will get fixed. I can't wait for it to!
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but Paper Monsters (by Crescent Moon Games) will support iCade.
IMame4all for non-jailbroken devices Hi all, I'm the developer that ported Emerald Mine to the iPad. Just noticed a lot of chatter here about people jailbreaking their iPads just so they can run MAME. I did the samething with mine and then decided to make a version that would run on non-jailbroken devices. I put the entire project up on my website in case anyone wants it. The downfall is that you'll need to be able to compile the code for your iPad yourself (Xcode plus $99/year Dev fee). There's currently no way to distribute the app for non-jailbroken devices except through the App Store and we all know MAME will never make it there. http://www.lesbird.com/iMame4All/iMame4All_Xcode.html Of course iCade is still supported and I also added in native support for the iControlPad so you can use the dual analog sticks (Robotron!!!). - Les
This is fantastic! Thank you so much. I have a question about dev accounts. I currently have 2 iTunes accounts: one from Canada (where I live) and one from the US (payed using gift cards). I tend to do most of my purchases on the US account. I tried to sign up for a dev account a while back, using my US account, but it requires a credit card with a US billing address. My question is whether I can sign up for a dev account with my Canadian iTunes account, but continue using my US account to make purchases and continue using content purchased on the US store? Anyone know?
I decided to jailbreak mine in the end. iMame is just fantastic. I'm going to have some hard decisions to make come iOS 5 time
Found a new one, 'Baby Monkey (going backwards on a pig)' supports icade as well (haven't tested since i don't own an ipad...) but it says in the description it supports it. It's like #60 overall on the app store too, so it's not like it came out of nowhere either. Plus it comes with a rockin' soundtrack
Just had my iCade arrive - really pleased... then really upset when I realise I can't Jailbreak my iPad 2 yet as I'm on 4.3.5 Any ideas when a jailbreak might become available - weeks or months?
Want the honest answer? Potentially never. The iPad 2 is substantially more difficult to jailbreak than the iPad 1. The 4.3.3 jailbreak was only due to a slip up on Apple's part. You'll just need to keep your fingers crossed that someone finds a way to jailbreak the iPad 2 once iOS 5 comes out, but don't hold your breath.
Are you wanting to jailbreak for MAME? If so you might check my website where I have a non-jailbreak version of iMame4All. The catch is that you have to build it yourself using Xcode. iMame4All for non-jailbreak devices - Les
Don't forget that you also need to be part of the iOS developer program ($99/year) in order to compile to your own device.
Freeesh for iPad/iPhone released with iCade support : http://itunes.apple.com/app/freeesh/id388959819?mt=8 Was initially a PSP homebrew game http://www.facebook.com/pages/Freeesh/107981522591496?sk=wall To enable iCade, General Settings, then Arcade ON. Works best with iPad 2
Still doesn't work or me. Did the same old delete/reinstall routine and same bug, same results I'm running an IPad 2 4.3.3 Jailbroken
Is this easy to do if your computer coding knowledge is limited to building rigs? Or in other words, virtually null?