Go for Core, is more usable in any situation. Unless you care for arcade cabinet look, as Adams Immersive and Topherunhinged stated above. Actually they are not a great deal for those prices (and quality). IMHO best solution is PS3 controller(s) if you are able to jailbreak. For newbye readers: HDMI output lag is lightning adaptor related, so it does occur only for devices newer than iPhone 4s and iPad 3. You can play MAME with iCade without JB
Looks like Game of Watchcraft (iPad) is free... http://appshopper.com/games/game-of-watchcraft-spawn-of-squishy ...in celebration of a second LCD-style game with iCade support, Snip and Chu: http://appshopper.com/games/snip-and-chu-the-game EDIT: Beatdown! as well; free for the launch of the upcoming Devious Dungeon (which I hope might support iCade too?) http://appshopper.com/games/beatdown
Astro Command Scramble http://toucharcade.com/link/https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/astro-command-scramble/id848916700?ls=1&mt=8 iCade compatible (so are most of this devs games like Astro Wars/Frogger etc)
Cool! Glad to see new ones coming out in that table-top series. A tentative, maybe-complete list (not counting free/lite versions) of Wilmot's iCade-ready table-top games, judging from the app descriptions: Astro Command / Scramble Astro Wars* Frogger-Top Galaxy Invader 1978 Galaxy Invader 1000* Invaders From Space* Invaders From The Dead Retro Classics: Tabletop Collection 1 Missile Invader (* = the ones bundled in Tabletop Collection 1, if I understand correctly; plus it has Blip 1977 which does not mention iCade.)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/missile-invader-retro-handheld/id731991901?mt=8 Missile Invader also supports the iCade.
My latest game: Animal Battle have just been updated with iCade (and MFi) controller support. Could you add it in the list please? thanks https://itunes.apple.com/app/animal-battle/id842109198?mt=8 JC
Thanks, Ovogame! Looks like an OrangePixel game is free today--Heroes of Loot: http://appshopper.com/games/heroes-of-loot
So is the icade dying as result of mfi controllers? The latest orangepixel doesn't have icade support and it seems few new games do. Thoughts?
Dying a slow death, I'd say: the number of new games that support it will decrease with time, but there is still much iCade fun ahead. MFi doesn't really replace iCade: it's a different kind of controller entirely, with a different feel and suited to different games. There's still demand for that... just look at Razer's "iCade" for $200! And others; X-Arcade etc. Retro-gaming may be a niche, but it's a niche that is here to stay. Developers who love authentic retro gaming will always have a reason to support iCade, even if they end up a small minority. And it's fairly easy to support, and fairly future-proof since it needs nothing more from Apple beyond Bluetooth keyboard support. The existing user base will grow more slowly now, but is already big enough to be worth supporting. Just keep writing to developers of games that would best lend themselves to iCade! If they know we care, they can support it. Meanwhile, the library of games that already support iCade is pleasantly massive And to extend iCade's usefulness, with some trickery, iCade can be used with any Mac (and I assume Windows/Linux) game as well. I've heard of Windows 8 tablets running MAME with iCade. All of which is good fun for hobbyists and cabinet makers. (And in the long run, maybe good for eBay resale value.) And for the long tail of game support into the future, getting iCade to work with iOS games that officially don't support it, I suppose there will always be Jailbreak hacks like Blutrol. (I haven't personally been interested in JBing, but I'd risk it on an older device--the perfect kind of device to permanently install in an iCade!) Lastly, I assume there's at least some small slice of support (albeit not necessarily profitable) from the Android side. Every little bit helps. (What would "kill" iCade more would be a hypothetical MFi-compatible iCade itself! I wouldn't object: progress marches on, and I got a good deal on my two iCades. Not sure it could gain Apple's official approval, but maybe unofficially it could work with MFi games?)
My new game Levitar - Vector will support iCade. It's expected release date is early next month. http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=225946 - Les
Proposed universal iCade control layout This is a proposed "universal iCade control layout" to provide the most useful support for various iCade and iCade-compatible game controllers that have widely varying layouts, with the least effort for developers. Because some devices lack certain buttons or position them awkwardly, not all buttons can be used in a layout that has maximum compatibility. Some duplicate functions are required, which reduces the iCade’s eight button functions down to four. Here are the four action names I've used, in order from most-often used to least-often used: - Primary Action — [YT] [JN] [KP] — e.g. Fire, Punch, Start Game, Menu OK - Secondary Action — [HR] [IM] — e.g. Alt Fire, Bomb, Jump, Menu Cancel - Extra Action — [UF] [OG] — e.g. Defend, Shield, Crouch, Special Ability - Pause or Menu or Exit — [LV] Less ideal options, if more functions are needed: the two right-side black buttons on iCade (top shoulder buttons on iCade Mobile and iCade Jr.) could be used instead of having them be Primary/Secondary duplicates as above: - Fourth Action if needed — [IM] — one Secondary Action button lost - Fifth Action if needed — [KP] — one Primary Action button lost (If Extra Action is not needed, then [UF] can be Pause as well, because the iPega controller lacks [LV] and [OG].) Attached is an image of how that lays out. (Thanks to Xeyad and Squablo for some of the source images.) I also have a full document that combines this info, better-formatted, with useful links for developers; but I haven't decided where to host it yet.
I see that a few iCade titles just went on free sale: Super Lemonade Factory 2 http://appshopper.com/games/super-lemonade-factory-part-two Astro Command Scramble http://appshopper.com/games/astro-command-scramble Eagle Lake http://appshopper.com/games/eagle-lake And here's another iCade games list (more up to date? updated just a few days ago) if it hasn't already been posted. Thanks, Connector! http://thechatroom.freeforums.net/thread/1313/icade-game-iphone-arcade-cabinet
Hey sorry I've been lacking so much in the icade department. Thing is I'm to the point where pretty much all the gaming I do on an iPhone is threes and so I don't pay much attention to new releases and because of that, I hardly browse the gaming parts of TA. I generally check the lounge and occasionally this thread but I haven't been motivated/had time to update the list. Once school is out (less than a month away thank goodness) I might sit down and update it. Also, I may start only looking for threads rather than threads and reviews, that way the whole thing will be faster for me to update. It used to be just a list like connectors on his forum, which was much easier to maintain, but then someone got me to do it the way it is now, which admittedly looks nice, but it's a pain in the butt to update. In fact I have a list of (most of) the games that are not on the front page and I would have added by now but its too time consuming for me when I have all kinds of homework and stuff. Anyway, that's where I'm at right now, so hopefully starting on June I'll have a bit more time to sit down and get it all fixed up.