Lots of iCade compatible games in one here Hello. "Retro Classics: Tabletop Collection 1" has just been released. This looks like the place to let iCade fans know. Includes, Astro Wars, Galaxy Invader 1000, Invader From Space but also a non iCade game (it just wouldn't work) called Blip. All in one app. Details here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=212624 Ps looks like Touch Arcade's iCade list could do with an update.
Per m44's post here, it looks like many of your other games support iCade too--thanks! (The iCade list really ought to be a wiki or something--easy for multiple people to edit depending on who has time.)
Don't see Sonic 2 update yet... Tomb Raider 1 should support iCade but I just cannot get the buttons working...
That's odd. I downloaded '3.0.1', which was released on December 14th. Are you seeing that version available when you view Sonic 2 on the store (not in the updates queue)? You may have to delete and download again.
I check: 3.0.1 is in US but not in HK, very strange. Thanks. BTW, ION's iCade mobile is on sale here but I am wondering if it works without a device attached to it (well, I am aware it looks very odd and oversized this way)
Sonic update just hit the UK. iCade mobile works via Bluetooth so device doesn't need attached but the iPhone 4 and 4S fit it not the 5 or 5s without a scalpel. It'll still control them just won't fit in the holder.
Thanks everyone. I just got the 3.0.1 update on Sonic 2 right before I leave home this morning. Should give it a shot tonight. iCade Mobile ordered. Hope I can play TR1 with it.
Hey guys, my new iPad game qub supports the iCade cabinet! I plan to implement more UI/menu functionality in the future but as of now the core game mechanics work great! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/qub/id763352323?mt=8
I forgot to add iCade support to our newest game, Super Splatform, but I worked on it tonight, and it should be in the first update that'll arrive as soon as possible. I've got basic gameplay support in it now, but it'll take some extra effort to get the menus working nicely with iCade too. I went to the extra trouble in RPG Quest - Minimae to make all the menus work 100% with iCade, so you never have to touch the screen. Somebody must care, right?
Great stuff - was wondering if it was iCade compatible. I'll be picking it up over Christmas. Good stuff.