I took it right after a big storm, and found it beautiful. This is the only quality picture I took. Please be kind, tis is my first picture evar!
That was actually pretty cool mate. Love finding stuff like that. There is so much beauty in the world.... *laughs*
A Camera! :O I took it with a really old digital camera. (I want a new one) >_< http://www.amazon.com/Canon-Optura-MiniDV-Megapixel-Camcorder/dp/B00006JM2X Camera is confusing and shitty.
The content of the picture is cool, but the picture itself isn't that appealing. The subject of the photo is way off to the right, leaving a 1/4 of the picture on the left as dead space. If there was something in that left space, or if it wasn't just pushing the end of the web off the right side, it'd have merit. Also I think you missed a golden opportunity, with that drain pipe in the background and the wet spiders web there, all I can think of is Incy Wincy Spider (climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out ^^). Could have focused on the drain pipe maybe and had the web out of focus in the foreground, maybe even shot the pipe thru the web.
I thought the subject was the pole. A better idea would be to tangle your camera lens in the web and take a shot from there.