Here are some screen caps of the TA main page randomly sampled over several days. Is this look intentional? Can anyone explain the design aesthetic here?
Dude, really? Images randomly zoomed-in to the point where they are totally devoid of meaningful content. Headline boxes totally empty, or containing image fragments that give little or no clue how they relate to the headline they’re meant to support. Headline text that’s cut off mid-word with ellipses, often without enough information to know what the story is about. And all obscured by a pointless milky filter... In the first screen cap there are two frames that have no image at all, one frame that appears to be the corner of a picture frame, and one that might be a bit of a game hud. Same problems with the second and third caps, with the addition of multiple frames of zoomed-in and distorted brick textures that could be from any game, and large bottom frames where the image simply repeats next to itself because it doesn’t fit the dimensions of the frame... Honestly, it reminds me of those random, blurry photos of the sidewalk or your pant leg you accidentally take on your phone. So I’ll ask again is this result of not having it dialed in yet, or does someone actually think this is good?
You’re welcome, Eli! Hopefully my dickishness won’t discourage you from considering the merit of my critique.
We've already solved the headline truncation in the feature block, I guess if you want to be mad about the design in general you can yell at these guys- Audentio
I noticed the headline fix today. Thumbs up! I don’t know, it’s your site, if anyone should yell at them it ought to be you.
Dig. I get that these things are subjective, but I’m sure you understand my question about the communicative value of this kind of design.
It's a responsive design that follows similar design language to what a lot of gaming sites are using. I don't know what to tell you beyond that, which is why I suggested if you wanted to have some sort of debate about this to email the designers.
Just giving feedback in the feedback section of the forum. It’s your site. If you feel this fad (I predict shortlived) is the best way to present information to your readers, who am I to argue?
Lol... The question isn’t if it’s a valid design approach in general, but if it’s valid for the particular task. Just because it works for some stuff, doesn’t make it auto-appropriate for whatever. I clearly pointed out where you failed to communicate with your presentation - we’re talking random, confusing, lameness - and your response is to throw around some design industry nomenclature. smh
Why wouldn't it be valid? I'm beginning to regret responding to this at all as it seems like all you want to do is argue and there's nothing I can say to make you happy.
We can't make everyone happy. Even if you were personally in charge of designing the site of your dreams we'd still have threads like this.
It’s improving! Today’s main page is the most visually coherent yet. You’ll probably say you’ve changed nothing, but congrats none the less!
I honestly opened the site a while ago, then closed it because I thought I’d gotten a pop-up ad. Then I just stared at my blank page for a second... “Didn’t I click on TA?”