I just launched a zombie defense droid game! Looking for people to try it out.

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Lazius, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Lazius

    Lazius Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    Hey I just made a game called Zombie Crane that went live on Google Play last weekend. I am looking for a few nice folks who wouldn't mind giving it a go and testing it out for me. It is sort of a re-imagining of classic zombie defense games. The objective is to fill the blood meter all the way by grabbing and grinding zombies or blowing them up and collecting their limbs.

    It is NOT a pay-to-win game. It does have ads, but that is how I hope to pay my bills and maybe even feed my kids from time to time.

    Random fact: Did you know that kids have to eat almost daily now? It's all I can do to keep their sleeping boxes filled with shredded newspaper.

    Haha I am a bit of a jokester if you couldn't tell. Anyhow, Give my game a go and let me know what you think!

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