I already did that. My language has 373 letters, 7 alphabets, 2 and a half vowels, and every word can mean 27 differnet things at the same time. Why cant english be as easy as my laungage?????????????
On the discussion of languages . . . I'm a native English speaker. I've taken Spanish in school since Kindergarden and French for the past two years (IB schools are killer). I'm Chinese but I barely speak it . . . I know enough to make sentences as complete as a 3 year old could make. I took lessons as a kid but gave up after a while . And for fun I'm casually studying Japanese. Obviously I find English the easiest to speak but after studying two other European languages I can see how hard English would be to learn as an ESL student. The sheer number of exceptions in English make it hard to learn unless you are a native. Spanish and French are difficult because you have to learn more verb tenses than you do in English. English is extremely irregular when you compare it to common European languages - adjective before noun whereas most other languages use noun before adjective. Nice vid Kamazar.
Yes, it is quite hard, but once you have learnt it then you will see the expression "suck" and wonder how a language can obtain a vacuum.
Most authors don't adhere to all the rules of English, it's really not that important as long as people understand you.
I like English simply cause it is my first language. Tried learning Spanish, French and German in school. Of the 3 German was the easiest and funnest to speak. French? F*cking joke of a language. lmao
I was born in Brazil and know how to speak fluent Portuguese. When I moved here to the US, English was EXTREMELY easy to pick up. When I started taking Spanish in school, oh so long ago, it was A LOT harder than English.
well, fyi, i learned portuguese by hearing only, and i'm pretty darn fluent at it, much better than some portuguese. i also write very well, too
just go to any country you are reasonably familiar with in terms of language, stay there for a month, and tremendous progress will be had. trust me - worked for me.
This is quite normal since French and Spanish are Romance language while German and English are Germanic language.