That has caught my eye too. I guess I need to look at the thread on it. If it's decent my kids will go crazy for it. Just looked at the listing and Apple actually posted to it before the pictures even load. Still, IAP for an Experience Doubler and Rare Mineral IAP... I'm leery. Yeah, just too many red flags... unless I trust the individual saying the IAP isn't necessary, it's hard to take the plunge on something that seems so freemiumish so early on. I wonder if this is the case of the dev just panicing and doing stupid stuff like so many devs do when they don't see the sales in a week that they expect? Or was this the plan all along. Get the early adopters, get the bargain shoppers, then throw it free to get everyone else.
I highly recommend it. The IAP is completely unnecessary, and it's made by Foursaken Media, so you know it's quality. It's actually pretty complex, too.
Hell, no. Foursaken always implements IAP well, and it doesn't push you to buy IAPs at ALL. They're merely there if you wanna support the dev further and get jump start in the game.
Advertisements will be added. I've danced this tango to many times by now. Good thing I ignored the opinions of my fellow TA members and checked what the publisher had released before. me shocked.
It's funny cause the dev kinda backed out of their "freemimum w/ ads" model a couple weeks ago after some backlash. But as we can all see its all but inevitable in this case.. The game is ok right now as it sits, as soon as the update hits I'm deleting it, as I'm sure many have already with these shenanigans going on Edit: Thinking about this game makes me mad, deleted
Developers shouldn't be allowed to update to make a premium game into a freemium with ads. A freemium convert is bad enough, but I don't pay good money for them to do a switcharoo to freemiums with ads. Apple should start stopping this practice soon. It is fraud, with the premeditated intent to abuse monetarily. Apple needs to make a stand on this and not let developers do it. Ain't right. If you buy a Ferrari, and they come one day to take it back and replace it with a Pinto with Electronic Arts spray painted on the hood, wouldn't you be mad? Down with freemium converts with ads that try to take advantage of early adopters. No ads please!
Agreed. That's what makes being a consumer in this market so hard. It seems for every game we play that is a great experience there's 2 sharks behind it. Instead of being able to support the games we want, we (or I at least) get suckered into supporting a game experience we don't want. It can be very frustrating
Any tips for chapter I - 15 (XV) I either run out of time or die in the boss there... I'm level 10 and using spear Health 1250 Aak +28% (308) Def +19% (566) What skill point u guys apply on? Thanks in advance
Agree too, i've bought it last week, even not opened, and it's a freemium today. I don't have facebook so i can't read the announce you mentionned. This game is managed by really bad ideas, a bit like RR3. It's a shame, because those games are good. I'm regretting my purchase now, and delete it. Tss tss...
IMO this is worse than RR3. I brought it up with the dev with no response. RR3 is freemium. It hurts but you know what your getting into. THIS has 3 different hands out for money! The initial purchase, game advancing IAPs (yes you can skip them but grinding is probable ((The IAPs arent just for diehards!)) and advertising (via social networks and their horrendous side app). Im not bitter as Im happy to lick my wounds and learn from mistakes BUT my one and only problem with the state of ios games is with the lack of honesty and transparency and this game is falls into this category in a huge way
Having seen this trend developing over the past year, the most frustrating part is the fact that many tried to arrest or even reverse the tide, but were largely drowned out by too many, "everything is fine, quit whining" cheerleaders... What we've inherited is a current App Store economic model that hurts developers, then consumers, and then developers again. Wish I could say otherwise, but this has been coming for a long while, and until the current bubble pops, this is the system the cheerleaders have earned for all of us, developers and consumers alike. DBC
It's not turned into freemium, it's just gone free like the usual App Store free for a certain time promotions dev's do. I bought it a week or two ago and it's still the same game today as it was then, there's no pay wall and I can't even find and iap store, so I'm not sure where people are getting freemium from. I paid for it and its a great game and for free its well worth trying. Sure it sucks it going on sale and then down to free but that's the App Store for you. The dev's might be annoying people but the games still worth playing IMO.
I was under the impression there was going to be an update coming no? I just assumed the update was bad news.
Aaaand that's exactly what I'm talking about. Bad for developers, and bad for consumers. To be clear, my previous post was not directed at this sale, quite to the contrary, I'm not one who gets overly troubled by sales, because that's just silly. What I am concerned about is context, and reading post after post after post after post about whether or not a game update should even be downloaded speaks volumes to my concerns... DBC