I personally had a class in high school. Super simple, hold your hand type. If you're serious about learning, you don't need a class. The book I posted earlier in the thread IS just like a class, except you have to read it. And yes, I bought the book first day of class (wasn't required) and I read what we learned that day in the book. No joke, I ended with an A+ in the class; 97.7 first quarter, 98.1 second quarter, and 97.2 on the final. That book is a great companion as well as looking at other source code and asking for help.
I'm sure the book works well, but so far the website I linked has been EXTREMELY helpful-in fact, it is a web book. It explains things clearly and methodically, and I've had success so far. Now, I can not figure out one thing, and this may sound like a silly question, but: where is the command line on Dr. Java? I understand how a command line functions, but I can not find it. Thanks
No need for command line, it has it's own compile and run functions. Basically everything is button based.
Ok. But how do I input "arguments?" I wrote a brief code... class Blanks { public static void main(String[ ] arguments) { System.out.println("The" + arguments[ 0 ] + " " + arguments [ 1 ] + " fox " + " jumped over the " + arguments [ 2 ] + " dog. "); } } Now how (where?) do I input the adjectives to fill in for those arguments?
Ah ok. Now I know what you're talking about. To be 100% honest, outside of what you're doing now, you'll rarely use this (or atleast I have) You'd legit need to open terminal or a text file and jump through some hoops. Now if you want, I actually created an easier way with my teacher. All you need is the .class file in the same directory, and you're set. If you can PM me your email so I can email it to you, I can explain how it works; it's really a breeze.
which of the links did you use??? (clicked on the 1st one, and started, but it seems like it's from 2002.) Thanks