I feel like this is the kind of game people were hoping for when the Boson X guys put out their follow-up.
omg so this game comes out awesome graphics yada yada.... I have not seen one mention of the awesome techno/trance soundtrack this game has! awesome game by the way!
I'm honestly wondering why you would give the game 3 stars? You are right that polish alone shouldn't be the only reason. What about the rest? I'm honestly interested. Billy
Too less playtime, too undemanding, HUD transparency can't be adjusted in 1st-person-view, stages too short.
Check the previous page... I already brought this to attention! That music is ridiculously cool! Also, I see the dev's name is Patrick Cook. When I was beta testing, he was going by the name Badpotion Games. I guess he changed his mind, but I always loved that name for a studio (or anything for that matter). Badpotion...just sounds so cool! Oh well, guess he wanted to use his actual name to slap on this masterpiece...
It looks like there is a targeting reticle though. I immediately thought to myself the dev could add combat down the road. I would absolutely love that! Maybe enemy turrets on the walls or fighters coming at you. Man that would be absolutely killer. I would totally be willing to pay for a DLC type of content with this. Billy
Did Apple seriously not feature this game? You have got to be kidding me? This game is way more deserving than just about 98% of all the other games that make the front page! That really pisses me off...
On Greek Appstore is under the New Games We Love front page so it must be to other stores too but maybe not all over.
The App Store features are very fluid now. They change the features more than once a week. So it could still end up on there.
Thanks for all the impressions! Really awesome to read that people are enjoying the game after such a long road making it happen. The TA community played a part in shaping it as well. You guys rock. Also thanks for the kind words on the music I'd love to release it some day when I have time to mix it properly, if there's enough interest. Thanks for Hyperburning!
Well good. Hopefully they put it up on the US AppStore soon, this game deserves as much exposure as possible for its launch. Apple, you may live for today, but I'm watching you... #
The transparency needs to be adjusted in cockpit view. Other than that, this game is absolutely fantastic.
So I figured something out regarding the level designs. It appears they get "shuffled" with the same obstacles every time you initially launch, but remain the same between respawns. If you want to test it out yourself, try any level for 10 runs. You should have it pretty much memorized, then reload into the same level. It will be a different layout of the same obstacles. I came to this realization after shaking my head at how I got some of my scores, and now it makes sense. I was just on some levels that were "easier" for me. Man I love this game!!