Sorry to insist but if there isn't a movement penalty, why can we find the following sentence in the sniper rifle's wiki ?
Because they are clarifying that if you move, you lose the free 100%, something I already addressed. Don't move, get 100%, move, hey, second chance can help. If there was a movement penalty, don't you think they would have said there was a movement penalty, which they do NOT say. You're going to a lot of effort to defend an assumption for which you have no evidence to support other than the fact there was a movement penalty in the first game. One assumes if you're writing a wiki article to explain sniper rifles that you might include that little factoid if it still existed, which, until I hear officially it does, I will assume it doesn't, particularly since I've seen no evidence of a penalty running all over the place with my snipers in H2.
Agree 100%. At he time it was the most expensive app I'd bought ($7.99) and I kept waiting for that story driven campaign. My app store review said the devs could learn a lot from a play through of GLWG. I'll have to see some really good reviews before popping for what sounds like should have been the promised update of what I already paid for.
Hey guys, I thought I'd jump in and clarify how the sniper rifle works. If you have a full complement of action points when you fire, your accuracy is 100%. As soon as you are not at full AP, your accuracy is whatever shows in the armoury. Second chance won't help on that first shot, but will on subsequent shots (assuming you haven't got 100% accuracy on that character). If you stim back up to full AP, you will restore your 100% accuracy bonus!
Is there a particular forum where we should be sending Rodeo Games bugs? Because I found another: the 'Complete in X turns' secondary objective bonus is always successful, even if you don't complete the mission in that time.
You are 100% correct that this small team of four guys never could get their act together for delivering what was promised for Hunters: Episode One. However, the fact remains that Hunters 2 is a much improved iteration of the game, and it exists, and it's all of $5. Hanging onto a grudge over $8 you spent probably over a year ago (the crap I took this morning was worth a lot more than that based on the food I ate yesterday ) because a team of four guys had quite public birthing pains for their game company's inaugural launch doesn't make a lot of sense to me. This happens to a lot of devs - they get excited, they make promises expecting to see their game selling like mad, then they actually see what sort of revenue is coming in relative to the costs to keep working on a title and they have to make choices about the road map going forward. In the case of the first game, they wound up giving away tens if not hundreds of thousands of copies when every person who had ever downloaded it for free wound up getting the full game when they opted to ditch the whole unlock IAP approach and just sell it straight up. They had to contend with the fact the original game engine never worked perfectly and they were going to have to rewrite huge chunks of it to add in the stuff they wanted to. So, they stuck with the original meta plan: support each title for about a year, and put the sequel out. Did it mean H:E1 never lived up to their hype? Yep, but what matters is if Hunters 2 is any good, and it is. Instead of hanging onto the past, notice they have (mostly) learned what they're doing. They promised barely anything for Hunters 2 in the future; it is the game it is, and now we'll be pleased with whatever sort of free updates come down the pipe. Notice that you don't see reviews and posts all over the place complaining the game is in an inescapable crash loop from the splash screen like a bit over 20% of the app store reviewers and TA posters were reporting. Notice that until you dredged up the past, everyone has just been talking about the game. I have been extremely critical of Rodeo Games, and I bought Hunters 2 at launch expecting that I had less than 50/50 odds of being satisfied. Instead, I've been playing almost nothing but Hunters 2 since it launched, and I was bored and frustrated to tears by H:E1's state even with the latest update in December. So, in an ideal universe where four dudes in the U.K. get everything right for their first title, you would have been playing the same game Hunters 2 is for your $8 sometime last year, true. But they didn't get everything right, in fact, they started off by falling on their arses by rushing it out the door to live up to their promised release date, and they just never recovered. Worse, had they insisted on following through on all the "promises" they made for H:E1 they'd have gone broke and not only would H:E1 have never lived up to the promises, there wouldn't even have been any H2. As my daddy always said, "Wish in one, crap in the other, and see which one gets full first"
[size=+2]HUNTERS 2[/size] is one of the nominees for [size=+2]Touch Arcade Game of the Week 21/03/2012[/size] Do you like this epic journey building the best team of Bounty Hunters in the Galaxy? [size=+3][thread=126748]VOTE HERE[/thread][/size] - Devs cannot vote for their own games -
Just need some clarifications on the daily missions. Do they require internet connection to be updated? Or are they randomized by the game internally? Can they be repeated/grinded/farmed?
I have no idea about the Internet connection as I'm always connected. But you can repeat contracts as often as you like.
The daily missions are randomized internally; no internet connection is required. They can be repeated as often as you like.
Bought the game a few days ago. Launched the game and after having watched the loading screen for about 15 seconds it crashed back to springboard. Rebooting and reinstalling didn't help. I then sent an email to devs. Somehow I had the assumption they were a finnish company so I wrote it in finnish. At the end I included a paragraph saying in english that I could describe the situation in english if needed. Turned out they didn't speak finnish so I got a reply nearly immediately. I told them what the problem was and now it's a day or is it two already with no contact whatsoever from them. What strikes me as odd is they replied really fast to my initial email but when they learned I had a problem launching the game I get no contact at all. I'm really hoping this is because they're figuring out the issue and not because they don't want to deal with it. I'm running an iOS5.0.1 on iPhone4 and yes, I do have a jailbroken device.
Sorry we've not been back in touch on email, we've been rushed off our feet trying to identify every crash we've heard reports of! It seems that jailbroken users running custom skins are having issues - could this be the problem you're having?
Great game, look forward to any updates! Really into this game, racking up many hours playing it. Am enjoying re-playing the campaign and daily missions, re-speccing Hunters, and trying missions with either fewer Hunters or odd weapon combinations. However, would really really love to hear about any future updates. Based on the hours I've put in for the price paid, I would happily pay for decent future content. Here's some rough ideas for updates, sorry if any are mentioned on previous pages or if they are really unfeasible or just plain rubbish : -Ability to sack a Hunter and sack Caius. -View of enemy weapons like from Hunters 1. -Further streamlining of armoury / trade. -More weapons : ==Melee Weapons like swords, chainsword, power fist / claws, shield ==Laser : long range, penetrates like flamer, does more damage if closer. ==Grenade launcher : high damage, launchers over people ==Thrown grenades (normal, plasma, stun, EMP etc) ==Pistols : laser or magnum-ish or ==Dual-wield options : sword/pistol, dual pistols, sword/shield, sword/sword ==Laserwhip/chain : melee, range is a 2x3 tiles in front ==Attachments/perks for weapons? scopes, indendiary rounds, larger clips -More campaign (of course!) -More map variety, more levels, enemy variety (robots? another alien race? etc) -More modes : some sort of endless / arena mode -Multiplayer somehow -And in general, more more more more!!! Love this game!
Does anyone know if your hunters have a nonzero base chance to dodge? Or can you only dodge if you put points in the skill?
Pretty sure you only dodge with the skill. I've played a little too much of this game and the only hunters who I've seen "dodge" come up as the result of an enemy attack were ones that I put the points into.
Okay, so I've run into the first major problem I've got with this game: the daily contracts are repeated. Not as a slate, but there are definitely identical contracts on different days. This wouldn't be a problem if it were just the maps that were the same; play enough and you're bound to get the same ones. What gets me is the placement and type of enemies is the same, too. I'm surprised, and rather disappointed. IIRC, the original game often had the same maps, but the location and type of enemies were randomized, even when replaying the same contract on the same day. That was a *much* better choice; you never knew what you were going to face, even on a repeat. I don't know why Rodeo has taken this route, but I think it's a terrible idea. I hope they change this in an update.
I'm not convinced the maps are 100% identical, e.g. I've seen two "Defend the Reactors" vs. Xenomorphs contracts where the maps were functionally identical, yet, unless my noggin is playing tricks on me, the one section was actually offset by a single tile position between the two days. I remember being unable to cover both choke points from the southwest at once the first day, but on yesterday's iteration I could. Now, maybe they were identical and I'm remembering wrong, but either way I agree there is potentially a replay-ability issue in that spawn points on clearly identical map chunks appear to always be the same. However, I'm going to go with "potentially" as opposed to your take here: I came to absolutely hate the nonsensical spawning of H:E1. Half of a giant map would be empty with seven guys stuck off to the left of a gigantic open area standing around with their thumbs in their backside. It just made for an entirely too random experience that, if not for the ubiquitous scanners (glad they're gone), would have worn my patience down to zero sooner than the original game did. It's clear they've gone for a more deliberate spawn layout with Hunters 2, and while the pendulum may have swung too far in the opposite direction of H:E1, the last thing I want to see is the seemingly pure random spawns that defined the first game. Admittedly, I don't want the situation we have now where there's one map chunk I already know where the reactor is since it's shown up on different "Destroy the Reactor" missions and the reactor is always there, ditto for another map chunk that's shown up different "Destroy the Hives" missions. The short term play experience is greatly enhanced by the better designed map chunks and spawn point placement, but the long term play experience will be hosed if there isn't more overall variety. Hopefully they can find a way to keep the more deliberate feeling design of Hunters 2 while mixing things up a bit without degenerating into the tedium of H:E1.