There's a counter intuitive effect from including such consumable IAP in a game like this: you scare off a lot of people, particularly when the asking prices is, ohnoes, $5. Only RG knows the breakdown, but I'd be surprised if the revenue from consumable IAP does much more than offset the loss in sales from people who, rational or not, avoid games with consumable IAP.
Cool. Thanks for the information around IAP. Two more questions: Are there in app ads? Do you think this game is OK for people who aren't really a huge fan of turn based games?
How can you claim to know? I'm not aware of any controlled experiments, or even extensive surveys, that would confirm or deny such a claim. Maybe the answer to "why they include it at all" is "because they think you're wrong".
If you stack the 1s and 0s end to end, it reaches 2/3rds of the way to the moon. Are you asking about the campaign or the game overall? Because the game overall, like the first one, posts new missions (randomly generated iirc) every day.
Couple questions for Rodeo: It looked like Caius had a custom dual wield as a weapon. Is that something the regular hunters can get? Am I missing the talent/equipment for that? Does massacre talent work with heavy weapons or ( as in episode one ) not?
Does this game have ads? And.. Is this your typical turn based game? I know that's a vague question.. The game looks really interesting but Ive never been able to get into turn based games. So not being a big fan of turn based games, do you think this game may have a chance of converting me? I do like RTS, TD and Micro management games.
Given Electronic Arts now see more cash from DLC for FIFA than they do from sales of the actual game, I'm betting that pretty much every publisher and developer thinks (at the very least, hopes) you're wrong. Yes, yes, they're different games - how about Infinity Blade, then? More than 40% of revenue from the game coming from IAP, where it's utterly unnecessary? Save yourself the grief - admit it, you, I and pretty much everyone else who posts regularly on internet forums are part of a tiny minority in comparison to most people who play games, and that majority do. Not. Care about IAP, and will only spend more and more money on it as time goes on, no matter how frivolous or downright poisonous you or I think it might be.
Um, I read the forums. I KNOW it scares off a lot of people. People post all the time about how they hate IAP, they won't buy a game that has IAP, IAP is the devil's sweaty scrote sack, blah blah blah. The only people who question the actual declarative part of my post are pure contrarians like yourself since you're on these forums enough to KNOW it scares off a lot of people as surely as the sun comes up. What I speculated on was the effect's magnitude. There is no weakness or hole in what I said. To wit, "Only RG knows the breakdown, but I'd be surprised if the revenue from consumable IAP does much more than offset the loss in sales from people who, rational or not, avoid games with consumable IAP.". So to this, Maybe the answer is, "You should read more and react less" It is entirely possible that the revenue from consumable IAP is more than offsetting of the loss from those who avoid it like an orthodox Jew avoids pork, but it's also entirely possible that it doesn't.
It's actually in their wiki about Caius. They say that he's a "jack of all trades, master of none" character. Both his ranged attack and melee attack are considerably weaker than what your hunters can do pretty early on, his only strength is that he can do both. Basically, as cool as he seems at first, since you can't swap his equipment out, he's useless by the time you've leveled up your hunters enough to win the final mission of the campaign. Kind of a disappointment. Heck yeah Since it's only once per mission now they loosed the dogs of silly carnage. I cleared a room in one turn with a sniper rifle last night. ------ Technically it's only the 8 missions, but you'll have to take breaks doing some of the daily missions before your team will be strong enough to beat the final mission, which is a bit of a typical endgame boss battle of sorts. ----- Technically, yes. At the end of the daily missions are three "bonus missions". Your mission is to look at an ad, try and figure out how to complete the mission without getting sent to the company's websiste, and then play a simple slot machine game to win either a free piece of equipment or one mission power up. There's a toggle to disable them in the settings so not only do you never have to actually see an ad, you never even have to see the bonus mission headers. (After testing them out, mine is already off, I find the whole thing cheap feeling myself, but if it lets them pay the bills...) It is a pretty typical squad TBS, although greatly streamlined for the mobile platform. I'm not sure if you would necessarily like it as it is a tedious game design compared to RTS. It's all about careful step by step approaches to the solution.
Ooh yeah collecting some good legendary weapons now. Got a rifle, rocket and light armour so far Really needs a way to SELL HUNTERS pretty badly though, you get so many different options of hunters with different dual specs that it really does scream customisation!! Still, mentioned it before but for me the biggest upgrade is the ability to respect hunters (even though you can't change their base spec trees). Personally I think in a few months time they will need to release a multiplayer patch, but only when they have ironed out the minor main game bugs for some devices. This is a game where multiplayer just for the sake of it would actually work.
/jealous All I've managed is a couple of nice blues so far, but I'm sure in due time I'll get my share. Yes, the anal retentive in me really wants a clean hunters list (including being able to, sacrilege I know, ditch Caius' useless bulk ) That's not an upgrade, they added that to Hunters: E1 but I guess after you'd already stopped paying attention. They did, however, adjust the cost from $100K to $50K credits with H2.
I just finished this last night. I've had it a few weeks now but you, kids, getting married, it takes up a blokes time I enjoyed it greatly, I spent most of my game time on the daily missions. The campaign is short but hopefully there is scope for campaign updates. I would love more hero units introduced in these (if they come) and maybe some rively with other hunter teams. All in all I think a good squad based TBS, probably the best on iOS. But then, I thought the same of the first one, having experienced none of the issues some of you in this forum had.
Also, I had Ravenmark but deleted it after a few goes as I just didn't get into it. Due to some of you lionising it here I reinstalled it today. I just wanted to say thanks for that. A few of you seem to know your stuff about TBS games so I will aske another question. What else is like Hunters in the app store? I have Wesnoth and GLWG, but I fancy something more squad based.