Universal Hunters 2 - (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Tomboi

    Tomboi Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2010
    It looks so wonderful. Special about your graphics. I'm going to dowload now :)
  2. visionwebs

    visionwebs Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    #42 visionwebs, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
    The third mission is a BEAST.
    My men get pounded HARD big time.

    As i suspected difficulty very much ramps up.

    I think to get far in the campaign if you play on hard you probably want to level up in the regular skirmish missions really.

    DO NOT play this on hard core first time round ;)

    Oh yeah, and accuracy is pretty pants unless you upgrade the skill apparently. Either that or you are very lucky.

    The hit ratio of my huters is 73%, 81%, 80% and 65% respectively.
    personally i think that is far too low at the start, maybe hard mode has something to do with it.

    I allowed myself to be subjected to an advert (and completely ignored it at that), there is a random ticker on what category you can get weapon armour etc.. then there is a second category where you get the item quality randomly selected, it looks like you can get epics here. That's nice.

    Started a destroy the reactor contract, unfortunately I instantly recognise this map from hunters episode one and it has basically been lifted and put into this game. I feel a bit more (actually a lot more) effort could have been put in to that. However, there could be new maps, one contract map is simply not enough to criticise on yet.
    It does have some kind of random hunter team that I can see in it though, so its been tweaked a little bit apparently.

    NOTE: The bonus was to not take casualties, this other team destroyed a reactor on the first turn and apparently I failed the bonus, without a chance to really move. Further along in the map the enemies had guns that one shot all of my hunters, I wanted hard but I feel this is already hard core without "hard core" added on top of that.
  3. banger1103

    banger1103 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Hmm, it says special launch price? So 4.99 is an introductory sale? What is the normal price then, and can anyone confirm it?
  4. dalbertson

    dalbertson Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    You're gutsy, I'm on my second play through, doing hard, and I've got 3 level 10 hunters and that third mission is still a pain, mostly because of a glitch that can occur if you don't approach the goal properly. Props to you for going all out guns blazing on hard mode. My first time through I started at normal then switched to hard halfway through, but by then I had done so many daily campaigns that my hunters were fairly high level.
  5. Abisco

    Abisco Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2010
    On the internet.
    #45 Abisco, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
    Edit nvm. Caved and bought. LOL
  6. Icurafu

    Icurafu Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2011
    Once bitten, twice shy.

    Not going to touch this one for a little bit.
  7. soldat7

    soldat7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    Retina resolution on the new iPad?
  8. Drexiel

    Drexiel Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Commercial Diver
    Ponce, PR
    #48 Drexiel, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
    so... as a strategy/rpg fan... should i wait a bit or should i just bite the bait right now?

    would also like to point out that i've yet to pick up Ravenmark
  9. GuyOne

    GuyOne Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Same here... I am a general fan of these types of games but can someone tell exactly what it is like? I was hoping there would be a free demo I could attempt. Is it something like x-com? I really enjoyed that gem.
  10. phrenik

    phrenik Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    City of Coffee
    If anyone can chime in regarding the price as well, pointed by the poster, few posts up. It states "special launch price" price at 5 dollars, which is also what the first posts states the price to be. If that is true, than how much higher will this app cost later?

    I have not played/read much on the first one, but from the looks of it, this game looked pretty nifty, so thought about picking it up. But I always start to get weary at the 5+ $dollar range, since I had bought a lot of lower priced apps, had been satisfied, and am getting fairly full lol.
  11. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Before I got it installed I was already wondering wtf is wrong with Rodeo Games. Apparently they're starting off with what is going to turn into one of those "unintentional" deceptions: $4.99 is a "*****SPECIAL LAUNCH PRICE*****"? Well, sure, technically it is - it's the price it launched at and I'm sure they think it's special, but since we know these guys WILL go to $0.99 sales before long and $5 is all they're going to get for this game at it's most hyped, let's not kid ourselves this represents any sort of sale, a word which I note they did not use in the description.

    This was almost enough to get me to not buy the game since it's such a clear sign they didn't actually learn enough from H:E1, but I did and after I get some coffee in me I'll be sitting down to put it through it's paces.
  12. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Really looking forward to more impressions and would love to know what´s up with the price, too.
  13. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Then Ravenmark is what you should be picking up today :)
  14. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    +1 to this.

    Ravenmark is an example of what TBS can be on iOS. Superb artwork, dialog, presentation, music, interface, tactical choices, etc.. Simply one of the finest strategy games I've played on any platform.

    However, to get on topic :), so far my biggest gripe with H2 is if there is a H3, for the love of my eyeballs, please pay somebody who can actually illustrate human anatomy and redo all the graphics. With the exception of the ship AI portrait, everybody in the game so far is a bug eyed freak with a weird nose. I always noticed the anatomy was never quite right in the limited use of detailed graphics in the first game, but still wondered why we never got something standard like a choice of portraits for our hunters; now I know ;)

    On the other hand, so far, everything else is at least as good as the first game and often tweaked to the positive although no real changes were made to the gameplay. There's a handful of new weapon types, but the major changes are the more behind the scenes stuff in terms of the way the talent trees and gear mechanics are handled. The biggest change is they've dropped the whole "never got it balanced right" equipment feature. Things like bonus armor, heavy weapons, improved accuracy, even medpacks, are now purchased per hunter with the level up "talent" point. Overall, it's about the same as far as customization power goes since it looks like we get one point to spend for each level up to 10 at this time (for a total of 9), which is the same as the first game with its 3 equipment slots and talent point every other level. However, I can see needing to spend to respec (50K creds) a bunch down the road as I get a better feel for the new equipment and "odd" (aka unfamiliar) split talent trees since the equipment portion is no longer something you can swap in and out.
  15. Górecki

    Górecki Active Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    Have they improved the AI? That was my only real problem with the original; the enemy was as dumb as a box of spanners. Have they changed anything or does the opposition still just walk blindly towards you, firing occasionally?
  16. Drexiel

    Drexiel Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Commercial Diver
    Ponce, PR
    thanks :D

    will be ignoring Hunters 2 then... for now....
  17. wuzmaname

    wuzmaname Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    I personally feel that Hunters 2 is the game they wanted Hunters: Episode 1 to be but for whatever reason didn't get around to completing. Think Hunters: Episode 1 v2.

    Yes a lot of aspects have been tweeked (mentioned above by C.Hannum so I won't repeat him), some for the better, others not. The campaign is quite a nice addition. But it's lacking the WOW factor that many had for Hunters: Episode 1. I think this is quite apparent, based on the lack of interaction on the TA forum, compared to the 100s of posts that pop up for a completely brand new game (i.e. battleloot adventures, ravenmark), as most players who have picked this up already have a pretty good grasp of what to expect, and how to play it.

    I don't want to knock it for what it is though, I picked it up first thing this morning, it is quite fun (mind you I've only tried 1 mission and 2 chapters of the story mode), so let's see how long it lasts.

    To those who are on the fence, the only thing I could say is: if you got other games to go through first, focus on those. Otherwise, why not?
  18. Drakeer Melkhor

    Drakeer Melkhor Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    I think this game is pretty solid and fun, maybe a little expensive (this game is $5 and is already on sale, I suppose is going to be $7 at regular price! I wonder if Activision bought Rodeo Games or what) but I expect good support and regular updates from developers to make the game even better.

    Slidetoplay gave this game a 4/4 REVIEW
  19. VoodooVyper

    VoodooVyper Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    You guys need to stop finding stupid shit to complain about with every damn new game that comes out. It's like everyone is trying to top one another with their incessant, meaningless complaints.
  20. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    What exactly are you seeing as a negative?

    So far things in the positive:
    - Uniform damage resistance with armor. I never liked the impact/fire as evidenced by my replies to people who wanted to make it even more complicated in H1.
    - More rapid cycling of the trade store
    - More uniqueness to hunters via the two tree class system
    - An actual sound track
    - Streamlining of gear system, no more matching gear levels to hunter levels
    - Difficulty levels and optional hardcore mode as well
    - Although it would be better if they weren't there at all, the "bonus" missions, aka ads, are handled in a more interesting way this time. Certainly better than the ubiquitous TapJoy in so many games
    - Nice interface improvements

    So far things in the negative:
    - Butt ugly character portraits
    - Still nothing as obvious as a "next character" toggle in mission

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