Universal Hunters 2 - (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. JagerBombS

    JagerBombS Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    I'm also a fool to have waited and picked this up on sale. I've been playing this like crazy. It's so good. I love the variety and different approaches to builds. My first legendary drop was the mjolnir hammer, I play full aggressive with it. A stalker with light armor, fleet foot, extra AP, hunker down(for when I get in a tight spot) and Stimpacks is a total blast! Basically clean out whole areas solo. I've also gotten the rangers carbine and Jericho launcher, the team is coming along nicely.
  2. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I played this game so much I do not want to look at the time counter anymore.
    And despite being a 'story based' games type, I'm still immensely enjoying it.
    Can't wait for the new game announcement.

    If only they could grab the Alien license!!!

    Imagine a whole long campaign on the Nostromo and uncharted planets, armed with assault rifles and flamethrowers...with more background lore/dialogues/cutscenes...
  3. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Such a game would be the stuff of our dreams my friend :)
  4. JohnRayJr

    JohnRayJr Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2012

    @ Gunxsword

    When did you complete that daily mission? I got exactly that mission (Aliens, retrieve the core, medium planet) today. Same row of five hulking aliens. :D

    Man, I wished my Scout Rocketeer was a Charger with Massacre. Would have been absolutely hilarious. Mission was still a ton of fun: opened with two rockets (aimed for most total splash damage) and a minigun Massacre. Three of the Aliens survived this and walked right into Assault Rifle Guard fire while my Devastator guarded the right. I didn't know if any Aliens were over there, but quite a few lumbered in.

    I have some screenshots of my favorite Massacres (though I don't know how to upload them here). I still think the ability is slightly underpowered but it makes for really satisfying moments.



    Nice Legendaries! I envy the Mjolnar hammer. Must be sweet. :)
  5. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    I admit, that would be pretty awesome. A bigger budget wouldn't hurt, either. This is totally a quality game, but there's ample room for improvement.
  6. JohnRayJr

    JohnRayJr Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    #306 JohnRayJr, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
    I've probably put 20-25 hours into this game over the course of a week. Damn, it's good. :cool:

    (Sidenote: everyone keep in mind that the time displayed on your save file reflects how long the app has been active, and is likely two-three times greater than your actual playtime).

    I do wish the endgame / postgame / lategame / whatever were scaled better. By this I mean better pacing and stronger sense of momentum and development. What gets me is that my quibbles about Hunters 2 are really just numbers in the code - nothing to do with graphics, game assets, or new content that would require more labor-intensive effort from Rodeo.

    I've given this a lot of [idle] thought, and here are my suggested improvements (posted in a positive spirit):

    1. Each set of Daily missions needs a reward of some kind. Mostly this is because the campaign generates Legendaries. The Dailies are great for variety but the opportunity cost is a downer if you're after good equipment. My Suggestion: add a "reputation" stat to the crew. For each five daily missions you complete, your reputation rating goes up by 0.2. This stat would act as a multiplier to credits earned from contracts. So, after completing five missions, all contracts would pay out with a 1.2 multiplier. After completing 10 daily missions, all contracts would pay-out with a 1.4 multiplier. And so on. This would reflect the fact that your crew is elite and highly saught-after, give you a bit of money for manufacturing / epics / respec, without flooding the game with money.

    2. After completing 25 Daily Missions, an 'inside connection' at one of your employers gives you carte blanche to manufacture one piece of equipment to your liking, no charge.

    3. Hard-mode needs an exp multiplier. I would suggest x1.3

    That's really it. The trick is to add some scaling/rewards to the system without accidentally dumping an embarassment of riches onto the player. One thing I pondered was the idea of New Game+ slowly improving the drop-rate for gear, but that's hard to get right.

    I love this game, but at the same time I feel that Rodeo somewhat dropped the ball with team progression after level VI. Credits/gear/exp are too flat. It's fun to play the Dailies but the sense of diminishing returns can be demotivating, to me anyway.

    What do you guys think?
  7. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    I doubt your stalker could do it. Light armor can't sustain much explosions from aliens or flamethrowers.
    I envy your hammer -_-
    Tell them I want the cat.
    Just yesterday, my daily missions refreshed 3 hours after I posted. My luck must have rubbed onto you :D.
  8. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    #308 ImLegend, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
    Hi, I got stuck in mission 8, any tips?
    All my contractors are level VII, that's what I thought
    1. The armor is useless, I would get kill in one hit by both boss & the enemies. Yes Last Stand can last one more round, so what. Therefore I change all armor to light, I believe AP is more important here.
    2. Talent skills are quite hopeless, the regeneration and etc is pointless, coz u got kill in 1 hit.
    Any suggestion? Thx
  9. PumpkinEater78

    PumpkinEater78 New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    Have you tried using overcharge on a plasma rifle on him? I find that works to an extremely cheap extent.

    My own question: how does one enable hardcore mode? I've beat the game so many times already but I don't see it as an option in the settings menu...
  10. JohnRayJr

    JohnRayJr Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    The last mission is all about line of sight. It's probably simpler than you imagine :)

    Split your team in two, and take cover on the left and right. Have one team-mate pop out and attack the boss (which will draw his attention) and then return to cover. It's quite easy to just circle the three-tile wall so that the boss always has to move on his turn.

    That just leaves the Amdyne hammer foes, but they're quite slow. Should be no problem killing them, espeically with half your team free. Just make sure to keep a couple tiles distance from any active teleporter pads and don't waste time shooting them the turn they appear (guard works on their next turn, though).

    I breezed through mission 8 with a level V team. It just gets easier from there, even on hard mode. I disagree that plasma rifles are a good weapon for damaging the boss, since the overcharge leaves your squad made out in the open (presumably to die at the start of the next turn). If you have the Jericho launcher (my first Legendary), that's ideal. But shotguns can easily get the job done. Hammers are also pretty easy to damage him with once he comes down from the top of the level. Miniguns are no good because his damage resistance kicks in before a "sustained" burst.

    Everyone on my team wears light armor, btw.
  11. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Do remember the boss can't shoot and move in the same turn, but he has unlimited range as long as you're in his line of sight.
    I also find the plasma to be pretty useful, but I know OC can miss so I get 2 other shotgun wielders with cripple to back him up. Works (almost) everytime :D.

    For the hammer doods, end your turns 3 squares away from them (eg. if your shotgun range does not over lap with the hammer doods) and enjoy your duck hunt.

    You have to start a new game to enable it (unfortunately).
    I ransacked all the menus in vain to enable it so I can 'trim' some hunters from my bloating list.
  12. JohnRayJr

    JohnRayJr Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    Wow, too bad that doesn't work. That would be a great solution.

    I only have two failed builds cluttering the roster. One is the "Arbiter" the game starts you with. The other is a level one Charger that I never should have wasted any credits on. I was thinking that I'd have him tagalong on missions and level him into a legitimate squad member, but I soon realized how tedious that would be. So I bought a level V Charger. I don't think I'd ever buy a new class under level V. It's just not worth the time it takes to get them up to speed.

    My solution to D-list teammates is to remove their names and replace it with "---------" That makes it pretty easy to gloss over them when you're navigating menus.
  13. PumpkinEater78

    PumpkinEater78 New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    Ohhhh, I have to start a NEW game?? That explains it. And also makes me feel I wasted all my time maxing out my team do they'd be ready for hardcore stuff!!!

    Thanks for clearing that up!!
  14. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Eh... don't hate me for this. I got the orange hammer by killing a(nother) wimpy alien in a daily mission.
  15. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    According to Rodeo Games Facebook page, next week they are announcing their new project, slated for 2013.
    Sadly it's not Hunters 3, but apparently a big license from a big name (still turn based strategic game I guess).
    I hope it's still something scifi with the same look and vibe as Hunters 2 (which I really like, maybe except the aliens).
    Maybe it's really Alien :)))
    Or Warhammer 40K.
    Many in Facebook are clamping for Xcom...dunno...I'm really fond of the actual look.
    I think that even something fantasy would be great (sword and shield, magic...).
    Anyway...while I really was wishing for Hunters 3 (the leap between H1 and 2 was night and day for me and I wondered about a story heavy high budget Hunters 3) I wish them a great success and I'm looking forward what they have in store.
  16. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Cool. I look forward to seeing what it's going to be. Perhaps a sugar daddy is exactly what these guys need.
  17. temozarela

    temozarela Member

    Jul 9, 2011
    #317 temozarela, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2012
    Hi I just bought Hunter 2 after playing Hunters 1 and I had a few questions I was hoping someone could help me out on. I read the entire thread but am a bit confused and am hoping for some insite before I start dropping talent points in bad places so I have to respec for 50,000 credits or leveling characters with terrible classes and talent trees.

    What are some recommended classes for specific weapon? What are the best places to put those 9 talent points in each of those classes?

    In general what talent trees are good and what are "good" talents and "poor" talents

    From what I read it seems like the combat and support trees are bad and the best class is Zealot because of the exploit and Stalkers.
    If anyone could give me some tips it would be greatly appreciated.

    Devastator: Combat/Vengeance
    Stalker: Scouting/Survival
    Charger: Scouting/Combat
    Arbiter: Support/Vengeance
    Zealot: Survival/Vengeance
    Terminator: Combat/Survival
    Scout: Scouting/Support
    Sentinel: Combat/Support
    Ranger: Scouting/Vengeance
    Terminator: Combat/Survival
    Guardian: Support/Survival
  18. temozarela

    temozarela Member

    Jul 9, 2011
    #318 temozarela, Aug 18, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2012
    Here are some builds I have read about:

    Devastator with Shotgun - Crippling Shot, Massacre, and Second Chance then the rest in Crit and Damage.

    Scout with Sniper Rifle - Full Scouting Tree, Support Tree up to Stand Firm.

    Zealot - Exploit Build

    Stalker with ? - Full Scout Tree, Survival Tree to Juggernaut

    Charger with Minigun?

    Also what is wrong with the Hunters 2 wiki site off the Rodeo site? Has it been down for a while? or has it ever been up and running?
  19. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Finally regained possession of my iPad, installed Hunters 2 and transferred the saves with iFunBox (which btw works much better than iExplorer, both do not require jailbreak and are free).

    It's GORGEOUS, noticing a whole level of details I didn't noticed before on iPhone 4S.
    The cores are actually spinning!!!

    Fantastic game...I really wish it had iCloud tough.
    Some contracts are really awesome, including the additional objectives.

    Great game, really, one of my favorite of this year so far.
  20. JohnRayJr

    JohnRayJr Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    These are my endgame, level X builds for a team of six, each built around a different weapon type:

    Minigun: Charger. Full Scouting tree, Massacre, Miniguns, Full Critical. Light Armor (any), Deathbringer Storm (Rare). I have the "Old Painless" Epic, but the rare is better. I may eventually manufacture a max-damage / high-accuracy minigun.

    Rocket Launcher: Charger. Full Scouting Tree, Massacre, Rockets, Full critical. Light Armor (any). Jericho Launcher.

    Sniper Rifle: Scout. Full Scouting and Support Trees. Sniper Rifle. Light armor (any), Ranger's Sniper. (I don't consider this weapon at all necessary or particularly useful for 98% of the game, since there's little point in a sniper build that isn't at least a level IX scout). I recommend using Assault rifles early game and Rocket Launchers from VI to IX if you're aiming for this.

    Shotgun Devastator. Full combat tree, full critical, two damage. Enhanced Reflex Suit, Deathrip Goremanger. Notes: cold blood is optional, but I've found it useful enough not to respec. Due to second chance, a min-accuracy manufactured shotgun would be better than Deathrip, but costs 150k more. Buy one or the other, but not both. Also, Terminator is probably the better class due to Hunker Down, but you don't start with one and it's a slight difference.

    Assault Rifle: Scout. Full scouting tree, 3/4 Support tree. Light armor (any), Ranger's Carbine. The last two talent points can be chosen from stims, meds, damage, crit.

    Hammers: Stalker. Full scouting tree, first three Survival, and then probably two points in resistance (only unit I have not maxed). This has been my most situational unit. I use heavy armor (Riveted Combat Suit), but I wonder if light armor would be worth it with the Enhanced Reflex suit and a total of 80% resistance.

    As for overall classes: Scouts and Chargers are the best, not counting the exploit.

    As for overall talents: All of them are good except for Vengeance, which is pretty much a waste on any difficulty (again, not counting the exploit).

    As for overall weapons: Shotguns are probably the most useful weapon in the game, but by a very slight margin. Assault rifles are consistent and have great range (great for guard), but relatively poor for damage output in the second half of the game. Rocket Launchers are fantastic once you hit level VI. Sniper Rifles are mostly irrelevant. Miniguns with high damage are good (accuracy / critical stats for the weapon itself are irrelevant, so there are a lot of junk options to wade through). I've found Plasma Rifles to be grossly inferior to the others. Flamethrowers are for those who obsess over accuracy - only good if you have the legendary or a good epic like Scorcher.

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