Chapter 7 Crows peck the eagles need help Hey fellow Hunters 2 players, Can someone point out to me what I'm doing wrong on this level? (Chap 7 Crows peck the eagles). Right at the start of the level, it puts me in a small room with no doors or exits. I've tried moving my guys to all points around the room, and nothing visible changes no matter where they are. What exactly am I supposed to do to get out? Thanks *Nevermind, I figured it out. You have to toggle the green doors on the bottom when standing next to them.
I'm late to the party too in Hunters 2 (can't remember why I didn't bought it before, but it was a wrong decision) but I'm loving it too. Actually doing the daily contracts to upgrade some gears and manage to pass mission 5 on the main quest. Loving the game so much I've started to remember my men by name (quite an achievement for the game, considering there is no backfired story or dialogues for them). Does the game support iCloud?I'm playing on iPhone on holiday and I can't wait to try it on the iPad at home... Are the daily contracts the same for everyone? Anyway, great game!!!
Posted this over on GAF, but it bears repeating, and since there's a good chance the developers will peek their head(s) in, I'll quote myself here: Well, there's a lot I'm digging about Hunters 2, not least of all the fact that it's as much a defensive game as it is an offensive game (a la Valkyria Chronicles). But one thing is bugging the shit out of me: you can't move past allies. Major flaw for me, especially since I'm already seeing a lot of bottlenecks in the level design. Not moving past enemies? I get that. But allies blocking your path? What the **** is that!?
This game is great, but it does seem engineered to make you play the daily missions in order to save up enough cash to upgrade and progress... Or maybe I'm just bad at TBS games.
Also: I really really really really really wish it had iCloud support. Its a game that begs for it. Just disappointing. Fun game though.
You can play the daily missions as many times as you'd like. I've racked up about 150k by grinding the easy daily missions with one guy. Great exp, great money. My only beef with the game is the lack of undo move (or confirm stat point...). Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with it.
It's not much different from RTSs or RPGs in terms of strategy - you'll probably want a heavy tank up front with heavy armor followed by some mid range shooters with medium armor and then have a long ranged guy in the back with light armor. You don't always need to use every action point for each guy - sometimes it's good to save them and use the guard action instead - force the enemy to use up points coming to you. Make sure to level your guys up when they achieve that level (it doesn't do it for you). Those skill points can make a big difference. Same with the armor and weapons - keep checking the shop for new stuff.
This falls in my list of games that could have been so much better. The game is already quite good with the basic framework, but could be developed more into expand on it. The games like battleheart fall in this category. I guess this is due to the resources available to a very small outfit.
Meh, I think that's a bit of a cop-out. There are small groups, even one-man outfits making deeper games. The scope is fine, but it's the attention to gameplay details that is lacking here. For the sale price, I'm fine with it. It's fun in short spurts, but yeah, I do agree -- it could have (and at the full price should have) been more. Ideally, I'd like to see ally pathing changed to allow allies to pass by each other, less grinding, and a bit more polish when it comes to the mission pacing. Some of these missions are so slow-going, doing mostly the same things: move a couple of spaces, defend, finish off the surrounding enemies, rinse and...well, you know the rest.
Game Impressions 22 hours later (in 4 days! scary!) I completed the Hunters 2 campaign. I really enjoyed this...and now I'm very attached to my team, which I'm now using in the daily contracts hoping to improve their skills. Last chapter forced me to change (several times) my tactics and talents. If Hunters 3 will have a longer campaign with more dialogues and cutscenes and possibly more environments, it will be even more awesome. The gameplay part is perfect IMHO, wasn't too bothered by the 'impassable' teammates...forced me to place and move them very carefully (expecially last 2 chapters and some VERY difficult contracts). I really love the art used in the game...if they manage to put out a compelling world/story/rich lore could be really really great. It's quite an achivement IMHO that despite the lack of lore and the very generic background, I feel attached to each one of my team and their very distinct capabilities, much more than more famous RPGs characters. Really looking forward what they have in store next...according to their site they should announce it soon for early 2013.
WOW. Having soooo much unexpected fun now doing the daily contracts. Some are really nice, even nicer than the campaign...some really tense moments. Trying to max out my 4 assault rifle squadron team (not the most efficient but I love the rifles). Loving the game, can't wait for more!!!
Love the game, some nuts and bolts questions Not sure how active this thread is, but I thought I'd jump in. I discovered Hunters 2 last week and am thoroughly enjoying it so far. I've completed the campaign twice (Jericho and Enhanced Reflex Suit were my Legendaries) and will probably keep playing until I get my squad just the way I want it. Right now their average level is VI. I was wondering about some design specifics that I didn't see covered here so far. 1. How does "Second Chance" interact with Miniguns? (What does "pitifully low" mean exactly regarding a multiple-shot weapon?). Just going by accuracy percentage, Second Chance provides the biggest gain for Miniguns (25%). My Charger isn't up to spec yet for miniguns and I'm hoping I the talent will work as predicted. 2. Does Massacre work with Rocket Launchers? I wasn't using Rockets at all until winning Jericho from my first campaign; I respeced a Scout (6AP) and that's working out pretty well. However it seems like you could squeeze 6 free AP or maybe 9 out of Massacre with a Rocket Launcher or Sniper Rifle. Just wanted to confirm. 3. Are Chargers the best class for both Miniguns and Rocket Launchers? I was thinking Second Chance, Massacre, and Cripple Shot would all be good for Minigunners, and only Massacre of those three for Rocket dudes. 4. I saw C. Hannum post that Deathgrip Goremanger is the best shotgun in the game (and it's clearly pretty good!). However, I was considering manufacturing a shotgun with all damage and critical, leaving the 75% base accuracy. With Second Chance, 75% base accuracy increases to 93.75%, or a 1/16 miss rate. I can accept that in exchange for an extra 20% critical rate (80% total w/ maxed out skill bonus). Deathgrip Goremanger's accuracy with second chance is a little over 98%, but you lose 20% critical and only gain about 4.5% accuracy. 5. I haven't noticed any real scaling with regards to gear/credits/exp. Exp scales with your damage output, and credits scale very slightly with enemy level. Gear seems to be flat, though. Does any of this ramp up for playing a certain way or at a certain level? Anyway, happy to discuss this game. Excellent turn-based title.
1. It doesn't (unless, your accuracy is pitifully low). Second chance will only activate with a clear miss shown in red text. 2. Yes for both weapons. 3. Depends on your play style and luck with the skills and the weapon. I don't factor chances into my strategy so Chargers are just 'fast moving units who might get lucky'. Second chance doesn't work (well, or at all) with multi-hit weapons, but paired it with a low accuracy, high power shotgun and your Charger becomes is a devastator. Crippling Shot is too erratic to be relied upon, and it's activation is not increased by sustained minigun fire (contrary to what I thought). Massacre is very situational for all weapons but seems pointless with a bazooka especially when targets are within the splash radius. 4. Do I need to ring the pessimism bell here? Math can only get you so far. I've been disappointed numerous times by my devastator using the exact shotgun in question. Second Shot is useful, but it's not a safety net. Though light armor can mitigate these situations to a certain extent. 5. Gear is totally random. I once got a purple weapon on the 2nd campaign mission killing a weak alien and 7 whites for the second last mission after wasting all enemies. The mercenaries in Meet Cains mission consistently drop above white grade loot though. Credit and Exp are quite flat. Though playing with missions a 'small team' does net slightly more credits at the end, and more a large share of exp to the participants. Doesn't exactly help leveling your entire team, but it's good to power level your most capable hunters.
Thanks for the info. I definitely agree that second chance is a natural fit with shotguns. One of my starting hunters was a Devastater, and I decided to build him entirely around shotguns by unlocking second chance and then dumping the rest into critical and damage. I've got him equipped with Deathrip Goremanger and the Enhanced Reflex Suit (Legendary), and he's often the MVP on any given mission (and he's still only at level 7). I actually have him currently using Cold Blood, which has certainly helped at times but ultimately I plan to re-spec that into either damage or critical (not worth the credits at the moment). What do you mean by ring the pessimism bell? I didn't mean to imply that probability was a substitute for tactics. Only that, if you're choosing between 93.75% accuracy / 80% critical OR 98% accuracy / 60% critical, the first one seems like the better overall choice. In either case, you miss rarely. When it happens, you deal with it. By contrast, a 20% bump to critical rate will register and benefit you more often. I have a charger ready to spec for Miniguns. Now that I know that only Massacre is really worth much for him (can easily see three/four targets in range), it seems like I should respec the other combat talent points into accuracy. The minigun I would be using is Deathbringer Storm, which only has 58% accuracy IIRC. Worth it to bump that to 68%? I've NEVER gotten purple gear as loot, by the way. Completed maybe 20-25 dailies and am on mission 7 of my third campaign run. I did luck out and get Warden Armor and Fatboy in my first couple of missions, which were both a big help early on.
Got a devastator into the top generator room in mission 7 and had him pluck out 3 guys and most of the generator's health in a massacre. I renamed him Boomstick in honor of his achievement. Just my over-emphasis on the chances and consequences of missing. I exclusively use light armor and my hunters died a few times when the last action point was wasted on a missed shotgun shot, even with Second Chance. I prefer +crit than +accuracy for the minigun. It shoots too many bullets for accuracy to matter (much). However, I do the reverse for plasmas because charged shots are too expensive to miss. My eyes popped out (more from lolwut than holy!@#?) when that puny alien of the weakest variety dropped the purple. I was almost losing faith in the game's loot drops when my previous campaign gave me a few greens and a mountain of whites (plus an orange heavy armor which I don't use). ------------------ I'm building a scout (scouting + support)to specialize in snipers. I plan on maxing both trees and... yeah. Put on light armor and he could theoretically shoot 3 times on guard if he doesn't move. His only lv5 though...
I completed the campaign for a third time (this time on hard, though I didn't notice any drastic difference in the difficulty). My main team of five hunters is a Stalker, Devastator, Charger, and two Scouts. One of my goals was for each to specialize in a different weapon. The Stalker has used hammers and heavy armor from the beginning (he's had a Masterwork Hammer for what seems like forever, but I've never felt like paying to upgrade it). I'm not convinced this is a great build, but it has its moments. The Devastator specializes in shotguns. I have a screenshot of a (random) mission where I recklessly charged into an ambush with my Stalker. Brought in the Devastator right behind him to Massacre five human targets (killed most, missed none). One of my scouts is speced for Rocket Launchers currently, but only because a good sniper build almost requires a max level character. The only thing he doesn't have that I would like is Massacre. My second scout uses assault rifles. He's not a powerhouse, but his range/guard/consistency have made him very valuable. I won the Corsair Rifle for him sometime during the third campaign, and promptly won the Ranger's Carbine as my third legendary, so he's pretty much a permanent build. Lastly my Charger had been an understudy to the Devastator for ages, with both of them wielding Fatboys for a time. At level VII I respeced him for Miniguns and that is working out nicely. I amused myself by Massacering the three snipers at the start of Mission 7. I'm a little sad that the final boss's damage resistance triggers prior to a sustained burst of minigun fire, but I still like the unit. So, currently using a Hammer, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and Minigun. Plans to eventually add a Sniper. All of my non-Hammer units use light armor. My three legendaries are the Enhanced Reflex Suit (light armor), Jericho (Rocket Launcher) and the Ranger's Carbine (Assault Rifle). I'm consider myself very lucky. I would have no use for medium armor, flamers, or plasma rifles. A sniper rifle would have been disappointing - too early for it. Heavy Armor is very low priority, and Deathrip Goremanger (my only Epic) is a great shotgun. Really, the only other Legendaries that I would have been thrilled with are the Minigun and Hammer. So, five wants, 11 possibilities, and three 'successes' so far. Wow. Edit: 11 possibilities, not 111...
I find myself hopelessly attracted to assault rifles. Long range, great mobility and highly versatile when paired with light armor. The weapon is great in anyone's hands, especially with the zealot since I can get the 'broken setup' and free up any points for weapon enhancement. However, I find such setup to be kinda useless because I unconsciously treat my zealots as glass cannons and make them do pop shots despite their near-invincibility... Guess it's just my instincts balancing the game. Any build with full scout tree and hammer is a secret love of mine. It's very risky and much more risky than a shotgun but the satisfaction from run-and-hammer moments is irresistible. I wish Rodeo included pilebunkers with 2 squares of reach. Flamethrowers are highly underrated imo. 100% accuracy is an obvious advantage and the damage is comparable to shotguns of similar or lower quality. I find them highly effective against anything not using heavy armor. Edit: EPIC!
I know I love assault rifles too. I've set up a team armed only with custom made rifles. Not the most efficient team, but I love it...feel very Alien-esque. I'm working towards have all four level 10, already respecced everyone. Loving so much this game is I'm playing the daily contracts constantly. Can't believe I didn't picked it up when it came out, dunno why.