It's a puzzle game not action or RPG. This isn't everybody's cup of tea so stop bitching. Games like sudoku sell well because people like quick pick up and play games like crosswords and such. I'm not into puzzle games as much but I don't talk crap about a game I may say I don't like like it or bad controls but not as bad as you are.
It should start up without Game Center just fine, it just won't have achievements or whatever. If you continue to have issues with the game starting up just send us details at [email protected] and we'll get it figured!!
That's definitely fair, and while this is a puzzle game I just want to add that this is also a very real-time experience. There's a lot of action. You've gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn your keep.
Hey! Definitely let us know if Apple doesn't manage the refund, we'll hook you up. Two quick questions though, if you have time: 1 - Curious by what you mean by "even fails that definition" - can you elaborate? This is slightly nerdy but I'm actually a published game scholar, and I can strongly vouch that Hundreds is literally nothing BUT game. Do you mean that it does not have like sports cars or guns or whatever? there was some confusion about that earlier... 2 - Can you show some examples of where we advertised something the app is not? We worked really hard for the last few months to make sure all of our public presentation for the game was 100% in tune with both the style and aesthetic of the game. If we missed the mark somewhere, please let us know what specifically you found misleading. Thanks! Without specifics or explanations of what you mean there's really nothing we can do to address your concerns, so anything you can do to help us figure out whats up would be a big help.
Considering you had to look up the definition of the word 'game' in the first place, it's no surprise you still didn't understand it when you found it. Hundreds definitely has a form of play, it requires skill and perhaps a little luck, and the competition is against the computer (or in a more abstract manner, yourself). Not only that, but it's similar to a whole bunch of other games that have been around for decades and have always been considered games by anyone that came into contact with them, both gamers and the media alike. You're so far out on your own on this one, it's kind of amusing.
OY vey. Please people. Like the game, dislike the game, whatever. SHOW RESPECT. The developers worked hard to create a puzzler that appeals to specific people. If you don't like it, fine. Say it, and be vocal. But do it with respect, simple as that. The App Store support team is there to address the other issues you have.
Hey Adam Atomic, there the idea for the next game you can make...Hundreds of Dots driving cars and shooting guns. LOL!
It's working now. Initial impressions are positive, definitely a game. I feel like I'm missing something though, after round twenty something it sent me back to round 2 and every time I finish it it makes me repeat it. I can choose round 1 or 2 from round select but nothing else.
As I have expected, quality release! What I love about it most besides the simplicity, is how easy is to keep jumping back in after failing a level. You don't get a second to get frustrated because with one touch of the screen, in most cases you, you are right back in the game trying again without losing heaps of progress or time as in a lot of other games. I also enjoy the fact that you can spend 5 minutes trying to beat a level, and another time it'll take you 5 seconds. For example, in level 32 if I remember correctly, I was struggling with the spinners that were bringing me down to zero until I figured out and decided to trap them with the blockers that I previously tried to use as a shield. It's little things like that, making the experience feel rewarding. I haven't tried it on the iPhone yet, but I believe the game might feel sort of clunky due to limited space. On the iPad, this is smooth as butter. Cannot recommend it enough! If you enjoyed games like Eliss and Osmos, you'll love this. PS: Is the cipher system complete? I figured out a couple of them, but not sure how to plug it in since the letters keep reverting back - you clever people you!
Seems to me that definition fits this game perfectly. You play it, you compete against the screen, and your success is based on whether or not you are skillful enough to complete the level. I don't understand the logic these people use anymore. If you're not shooting, overtaking or running, suddenly it's not a game? Seriously? I'm trying not to take the bait, but its just so tempting. Anyway, thanks for the vid. Very interested in checking this out. I'm getting an iPad on Sunday and I'm chomping at the bit to fill it up with some new treats. This is near the top of the list. Thought I'd get it tonight, but I've read the dev posts about the bigger screen being a different experience and I decided to hold out until the iPad is here. Looking forward to the weekend! Good luck with launch.
Buying this just because of the "This isn't a game" posts and the professional dev responses. Impressions tomorrow.
I was able to get the second cipher to make sense (takes a while to get the letters to move correctly), but I don't know whether you can lock in the correct answer. I guess I'll find out when I leave the page...
Truly a fun game on the iPad. Just took the time to run through the first 20 levels. I love the minimalistic style used in games like this and Letterpress.
Well done Sir, for equalling the balance between good and crazy. For anyone wondering, so far the game plays beautifully on my Touch 4G. Surely it will look and play better on a bigger screen, as it was designed for, but I'm definitely grateful that I'm able to play and enjoy this gem.
Yeah, pro-dev response got me to buy this even though it might not be my cup of tea for 2.99 - character counts.